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Allocating Audio Data Blocks (Windows CE 5.0)

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After you have determined the capabilities of your Windows CE–based device, you can allocate memory for your audio data blocks. Use the WAVEHDR structure to allocate the memory that the waveInAddBuffer and waveOutWrite functions need to play sound. The following table shows the functions that prepare headers.

Function Description
waveInPrepareHeader Prepares a waveform audio input data block.
waveOutPrepareHeader Prepares a waveform audio output data block.

Before passing an audio data block to a device driver with waveInAddBuffer or waveOutWrite, call the waveInPrepareHeader or the waveOutPrepareHeader function on the data block. Then, pass the data block to waveInAddBuffer or waveOutWrite.

See Also

Using the Waveform Audio Interface

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