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Bitmap Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Wxutil.h header file in the DirectShow base classes provides functions and macros to help convert between VIDEOINFOHEADER and BITMAPINFO structures.

Programming element Description
ContainsPalette Checks if the video image contains a color palette.
GetBitCount Finds the number of bits per pixel.
GetBitmapFormatSize Finds the size (in bytes) needed to build a VIDEOINFOHEADER structure and related data.
GetBitmapPalette Finds the first palette entry in a VIDEOINFOHEADER structure.
GetBitmapSize Finds the size (in bytes) needed to hold an image.
GetBitmapSubtype Finds the GUID subtype for a given bitmap info header structure.
GetSubtypeName Finds the (debug) name for a given GUID subtype.
GetTrueColorType Finds the GUID subtype for a given bitmap header.

These functions are made available to help manage VIDEOINFOHEADER structures, which are used throughout DirectShow to describe video data streams.

Although similar to the BITMAPINFO structure used in Microsoft® Win32® and existing multimedia, VIDEOINFOHEADER also adds some new video-specific fields.

Global data Description
bits555 Array of color bitmasks for an RGB 555 bitmap.
bits565 Array of color bitmasks for an RGB 565 bitmap.
bits888 Array of color bitmasks for an RGB 24-bit bitmap.

See Also

Utility Functions

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