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DMOEnum (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function enumerates registered DMOs. The caller can search by category, media type, or both.

HRESULT DMOEnum(REFGUIDguidCategory,DWORDdwFlags,DWORDcInTypes,const DMO_PARTIAL_MEDIATYPE* pInTypes,DWORDcOutTypes,const DMO_PARTIAL_MEDIATYPE* pOutTypes,IEnumDMO** ppEnum);


  • guidCategory
    One of the DMO GUIDs. It specifies which category of DMO to search. Use GUID_NULL to search every category.
  • dwFlags
    Bitwise combination of zero or more flags from the DMO_ENUM_FLAGS enumeration.
  • cInTypes
    Number of input media types to use in the search criteria. Use zero to match any input type.
  • pInTypes
    Pointer to an array of DMO_PARTIAL_MEDIATYPE structures that contain the input media types. Specify the size of the array in the cInTypes parameter.
  • cOutTypes
    Number of output media types to use in the search criteria. Use zero to match any output type.
  • pOutTypes
    Pointer to an array of DMO_PARTIAL_MEDIATYPE structures that contain the output media types. Specify the size of the array in the cOutTypes parameter.
  • ppEnum
    Address of a variable to receive the IEnumDMO interface of the enumerator.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value. Possible values include the following.

Value Description
S_OK Success
E_FAIL Failure
E_OUTOFMEMORY Insufficient memory


This method returns a pointer to an enumerator object that supports the IEnumDMO interface. The application uses the IEnumDMO interface to enumerate over the set of DMOs that match the search criteria.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later.
Header: Dmo.h.
Link Library: Msdmo.lib

See Also


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