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IImageEncoder::SetFrameDimension (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method is used to set the active frame dimension when encoding a multiframe image.

HRESULT SetFrameDimension(  const GUID* dimensionID);


  • dimensionID
    [in] A pointer to a GUID specifying the dimension for the frame.

    Set this value to a multiframe dimension identifier. For more information, see Imaging GUIDs.

Return Values

If successful, this method returns S_OK.

This method may return E_FAIL if it fails.


The following pseudo code shows how an application might encode a multiframe image.

encode page 1
encode page 2.1
encode page 2.2
encode page 3


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Imaging.h.
Link Library: Imaging.lib.

See Also

IImageEncoder | Imaging GUIDs

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