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This structure contains information about the current foreground thread. It is used by the GetForegroundInfo function.

typedef struct tagGetForegroundInfo {  HWND hwndActive;  HWND hwndFocus;  HWND hwndMenu;  HWND hwndKeyboardDest;  DWORD fdwConversion;  DWORD fdwSentence;  BOOL fOpen;  DWORD dwCompStrLen;  HKL KeyboardLayoutHandle;} GET_FOREGROUND_INFO;


  • hwndActive
    Handle to the current active window of the foreground thread.
  • hwndFocus
    Handle to the current focus window of the foreground thread. This value may be NULL if there is no current focus window.
  • hwndMenu
    Handle to the current menu window. This value may be NULL if there is no current menu window.
  • hwndKeyboardDest
    Handle to the window that is the current destination for keystrokes.
  • fdwConversion
    Current conversion mode of the IME for the foreground thread.
  • fdwSentence
    Current sentence mode of the IME for the foreground thread.
  • fOpen
    Open state of the IME for the foreground thread.
  • dwCompStrLen
    Length of the IME composition string for the foreground thread.
  • KeyboardLayoutHandle
    Handle to the current keyboard layout for the foreground thread.


This structure is only available to OEMs.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Pwinuser.h.

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