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Registering a Connectivity Callback Service (Windows CE 5.0)

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When a client wants to subscribe to a connectivity callback service, the client must implement the interface of interest, and register the callback service.

To register a connectivity callback service

  1. Implement the callback interface on a class object.
  2. Get an ICcService interface from the target service.
  3. Find an IConnectionPointContainer using IUnknown::QueryInterface on the interface returned in step 2.
  4. Call IConnectionPointContainer::FindConnectionPoint with refiid == guid of the callback interface.
  5. Call IConnectionPoint::Advise to pass in the pointer to the IUnknown interface of the class object from step 1.
  6. After receiving all the status notifications, call IConnectionPoint::Unadvise with the cookie value from step 5.

See Also

Core Connectivity Overview

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