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ICcBootStrap::GetFile (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method copies a specified file from the device to the desktop.

HRESULT GetFile(  DWORDdwTimeout,  LPCOLESTRwszSrcFullPath,  LPCOLESTRwszDestFullPath,  VARIANT_BOOLbOverwrite);


  • dwTimeout
    [in] Timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for GetFile to start.

  • wszSrcFullPath
    [in] Source file name including full path.

  • wszDestFullPath
    [in] Destination file name, including full path.

    This can be NULL, indicating that the destination file name is same as the source file name. In this case, the file is copied to the root folder on the desktop.

  • bOverwrite
    [in] Overwrite if the file exists on the desktop.

    Default is VARIANT_FALSE.

Return Values

The following table shows the return values for this method.

Value Description
S_OK Indicates success.
S_FALSE Indicates the file was not copied to the desktop because a file by the same name exists on the desktop, and because the bOverwrite parameter is set to VARIANT_FALSE.
E_INVALIDARG Indicates that at least one input argument is NULL, or that bstrSrcFullPath is an empty string.
E_ACCESSDENIED Indicates that the call failed because the file exists and cannot be overwritten; that is, the file or folder is write-protected.
E_FAIL Indicates any other failure.


OS Version: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: CcBootstrap.idl.
Link Library: none.

See Also

Core Connectivity Interfaces

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