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Viewing the Value of a Variable or Expression or the Contents of a Register in the Watch Window (Windows CE 5.0)

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You can view the value of a variable as a program executes.

To view the value of a variable or expression or the contents of a register in the Watch window

  1. Start debugging and then wait for the debugger to pause.

  2. From the View menu, choose Debug Windows and then choose Watch.

  3. Select a tab (Watch1, Watch2, Watch3, or Watch4) for the variable or expression.

  4. Type, paste, or drag the variable, register name, or expression into the Name column on the tab (and press ENTER if typing).

    The Watch window evaluates the variable, register name, or expression immediately and displays the value or an error message.

  5. If you add an array or object variable to the Watch window, use the plus (+) or minus (–) boxes that appear in the Name column to expand or collapse your view of the variable.

  6. Change the Watch window display format by using formatting symbols.

  7. To view type information for a variable, select the line containing the variable and then choose Properties from the shortcut menu.

See Also

QuickWatch Dialog Box | Character Formatting of Watch Variables | Watching Variables and Expressions

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