ExchangeClientRequestStatus (Windows CE 5.0)
This enumeration represents the different states in which a request can exist.
The IExchangeClientRequest::GetStatus and IExchangeClientRequestCallback::OnRequestProgress methods use entries from this enumeration to communicate status.
enum ExchangeClientRequestStatus{ e_ecrsPending = 0, e_ecrsInProgress, e_ecrsSending, e_ecrsBypassingOWAPage, e_ecrsSucceeded, e_ecrsOutOfMemory, e_ecrsParseFailed, e_ecrsHttpFailure, e_ecrsFailedToSend, e_ecrsFailedToBypassAuthPage, e_ecrsCancelled, e_ecrsNoCredentials,};
Request in request queue but not yet running.e_ecrsInProgress
Request being processed.e_ecrsSending
Request being processed.The Exchange client library is sending an HTTP request with the submitted information.
Request being processed.The Exchange client library is posting submitted user ID, password, and domain information to the login page.
Sending, receiving, and parsing completed successfully.Request has finished processing.
Request did not succeed because a memory allocation failed.e_ecrsParseFailed
Sending and receiving completed without error but the request failed because the response could not be parsed.e_ecrsHttpFailure
Sending completed without error but the request failed because the server responded with an HTTP failure code (like an HTTP 401 response code) instead of a response that could be parsed.e_ecrsFailedToSend
Request failed because the request could not be sent.Proxy and server settings might not be valid.
Request failed because the login page could not be passed.Credentials submitted to the login page might have been invalid.
Request began processing but was cancelled before it completed.You can cancel requests using IExchangeClientRequest::Cancel or IExchangeClient::CancelPendingRequests methods.
If the currently stored credentials change before a request finishes processing, the request is cancelled. Credentials must remain the same for the lifetime of each request.
Request could not be processed because there are no available credentials.Use IExchangeClient::SetCredentials to provide this information.
OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: IExchangeClient.h, IExchangeClient.idl.
See Also
Exchange Client Enumerations | IExchangeClient::CancelPendingRequests | IExchangeClient::SetCredentials | IExchangeClientRequest::Cancel | IExchangeClientRequest::GetStatus | IExchangeClientRequestCallback::OnRequestProgress
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