ISpRecoGrammar (Windows CE 5.0)
This interface enables applications to manage the words and phrases that the SR engine will recognize. It inherits from ISpGrammarBuilder.
Each object implementing ISpRecoGrammar can have a context-free grammar (CFG) and a dictation grammar loaded simultaneously (for example, using the CFG if possible, but returning to dictation if the CFG fails to parse). A single recognizer object implementing ISpRecognizer can have multiple speech recognition context objects (ISpRecoContext) associated with it. Similarly, a single context object can be associated with multiple objects implementing ISpRecoGrammar. This one-to-many relationship allows applications to separate types of recognizable phrases and content into separate objects for clearer application logic.
The following table lists methods for the ISpRecoGrammar interface.
Methods | Description |
GetGrammarId | Gets the grammar identifier associated with the application. |
GetGrammarState | Gets recognition grammar state information. |
GetRecoContext | Gets the context object that created the grammar. |
IsPronounceable | Determines if a word has a pronunciation. |
LoadCmdFromFile | Loads a command and control grammar from a file. |
LoadCmdFromMemory | Loads a command and control grammar from memory. |
LoadCmdFromProprietaryGrammar | Loads an engine proprietary format command and control grammar. |
LoadCmdFromResource | Loads a command and control grammar from a Win32 resource. |
LoadDictation | Loads and initializes a dictation topic. |
SaveCmd | Allows applications using dynamic grammars to save the current grammar state to a stream. |
SetDictationState | Sets a dictation state to active or inactive. |
SetGrammarState | Sets the state of a grammar. Changing the state affects the state of all the active rules in the grammar. |
SetRuleIdState | Activates or deactivates a rule by its rule identifier. |
SetRuleState | Activates or deactivates a rule by its rule name. |
SetTextSelection | Sets the insertion point (using word sequence data buffer). |
SetWordSequenceData | Sets word sequence data. |
UnloadDictation | Unloads the active dictation topic from the grammar. |
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later.
Header: Sapi.h, Sapi.idl.
Link Library: Sapilib.lib.
See Also
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