HID Parser Structures

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The following table shows the HID parser structures.

Programming element Description


This structure contains preparsed data. It is passed to many of the parsing functions through the initial call to HIDDeviceAttach, which provides this structure to clients.


This structure contains information about the capability of a HID control button usage or a set of buttons associated with a usage range.


This structure contains information about a top-level collection's capability.


This structure contains information about a HID control's data index and value in a HID report.


This structure contains information about the global items specified for a HID control that the HID parser does not recognize.


This structure contains information about a link collection in a top-level collection's link collection array.


This structure contains information about a global item that the HID parser does not recognize.


This structure contains information that describes the capability of a set of HID control values, either a single usage or a usage range.


This structure specifies the usage page and usage identifier of a HID control.