Testing Real-Time Performance on a Networked Media Device
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The following table shows two utilities that you can use to analyze real-time requirements in your networked media device. Each of these utilities has sample applications in the %_WINCEROOT%\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK\UTILS directory.
Utility | Description |
Measures interrupt service routine (ISR) and interrupt service thread (IST) latencies. |
Analyzes the performance of the thread scheduler by measuring the execution time of basic kernel operations. |
Analyzing the performance of real-time applications involves looking at a set of hardware, operating system, and application elements.
The following table shows topics that provide background information about the elements of real-time performance.
Topic | Description |
Provides background information about the elements of real-time performance. |
Provides information about tools to help you measure real-time performance in the kernel. |
Provides background information about how paging impacts performance. |
Provides background information about how the use of critical sections impacts performance. |
Provides background information about how Graphics, Windowing, and Events Subsystem (GWES) choices impact performance. |
Provides background information about how the Sleep API impacts performance. |
Provides background information about how power management cycling impacts performance. |
Provides background information about how the system bus and the real-time impact performance. |
See Also
Debugging and Testing a Networked Media Device
Testing Device Drivers on a Networked Media Device