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IsFocused Property

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Gets a value that determines whether this element has logical focus.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation
Assembly:  Microsoft.SPOT.TinyCore (in Microsoft.SPOT.TinyCore.dll)


Public ReadOnly Property IsFocused As Boolean
public bool IsFocused { get; }
property bool IsFocused {
    bool get ();
member IsFocused : bool with get
function get IsFocused () : boolean

Property Value

Type: System. . :: . .Boolean
true if this element has logical focus; otherwise, false.


Logical focus might differ from keyboard focus if an application has multiple focus divisions, such as between menu contents and the remainder of the application. In this scenario, keyboard focus can only be on one element of the application UI, however, certain elements in other focus divisions might still retain logical focus.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


UIElement Class

Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation Namespace