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Online Help FAQ


This topic provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Help.

Q: Where can I find information about creating my first run-time image?

A: The tutorial will get you started building your first run-time image. See Tutorial: Building and Deploying a Run-Time Image.

Q: What is context-sensitive Help (F1 Help)?

A: Context-sensitive Help, also called F1 Help, is content that is associated with a specific dialog box or dialog box element. In the Windows Embedded Studio, F1 Help is available for some dialog boxes.

Q: What is component Help?

A: Component Help is content that is associated with a specific component. Component Help is available within Target Designer: select a component, right-click, and then choose Component Help.

Q: What do I do if Search returns too many topics?

A: Clear the Match similar words check box. This check box is located beneath the topics list.

For information on how you can refine your search, see Using Full-Text Search. You can also determine whether a topic found using search is the topic you want by looking at the Title and Location column headings. Title indicates the topic title and Location specifies where the topic is located within the Help system.

Q: Why does the Locate button not work?

A: The Locate button cannot synchronize a topic with the table of contents if that topic is not part of the table of contents.

Q: How do I send feedback about Help or documentation issues?

A: Use this Microsoft Web page to send feedback to the product team.

See Also


Using Full-Text Search
Using the Index
Using the Table of Contents


Finding Information in Help