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Removing Unused Local Variables from the NDIS Miniport Driver Core Functions

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After you modify the NDIS miniport driver initialization functions, modify the NDIS miniport driver core functions.

To remove unused local variables from the NDIS miniport driver core functions

  1. In %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\%_TGTPLAT%\Drivers\CENDISMiniport, open Mp_main.c.

  2. Find the MPInitialize function definition, and then use the #ifndef and #endif directives within the local variable declarations to remove the variables that are not needed for Windows Embedded CE.

    The following code example shows how to use these directives to remove the unused variables.

    #ifndef UNDER_CE    
        NDIS_HANDLE     ConfigurationHandle;
        PVOID           NetworkAddress;
        UINT            index;
    #ifndef UNDER_CE
        UINT            uiPnpCommandValue;
  3. Find the MPHalt function definition, and then use the #ifndef and #endif directives within the local variable declarations to remove the variables that are not needed for Windows Embedded CE.

    The following code example shows how to use these directives to remove the unused variables.

    #ifndef UNDER_CE
        BOOLEAN         bCancelled;
  4. Find the MPReset function definition, and then use the #ifndef and #endif directives within the local variable declarations to remove the variables that are not needed for Windows Embedded CE.

    The following code example shows how to use these directives to remove the unused variables.

    #ifndef UNDER_CE    
        PNDIS_PACKET    Packet;
  5. From the IDE Build menu, choose Open Build Release Directory.

  6. Navigate to the directory containing your Windows Embedded CE NDIS miniport driver.

    Be sure your NDIS miniport driver is in %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\%_TGTPLAT%\Drivers\CENDISMiniport.

  7. Build the Windows Embedded CE NDIS miniport driver with the Build tool.

    For more information about the Build tool, see Build Tool. Microsoft recommends using the -c parameter with the Build tool to delete all object files.

See Also


How to Migrate a Windows-based Desktop NDIS Miniport Driver to Windows Embedded CE