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ThreadState Enumeration

Specifies the execution states of the current Thread object (thread).

Namespace: System.Threading
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)


public enum ThreadState


  Member name Description
Aborted A value specifying that the current thread is in the Stopped state.
AbortRequested A value specifying that the Thread.Abort method has been invoked on the current thread, but the thread has not yet received the pending System.Threading.ThreadAbortException exception that will attempt to terminate it.
Background A value specifying that the current thread is being executed as a background thread, as opposed to a foreground thread.
Running A value specifying that the current thread has been started, it is not blocked, and there is no pending ThreadAbortException exception.
Stopped A value specifying that the current thread has stopped.
StopRequested A value specifying that the current thread is being requested to stop. Note that this member is for internal use only.
Suspended A value specifying that the current thread has been suspended.
SuspendRequested A value specifying that the current thread is being requested to suspend itself.
Unstarted A value specifying that the Thread.Start method has not been invoked on the current thread.
WaitSleepJoin A value specifying that the current thread is blocked as a result of a call to the Wait method, the Sleep method, or the Join method.


This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that enables you to combine its member values in a bitwise combination.

Version Information

Available in .NET Micro Framework version 2.0, 2.5

See Also


System.Threading Namespace