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Ws.Services.Xml Namespace

The Ws.Services.Xml namespace contains classes used to process XML.


Name Description
Public Class WsXmlAttribute Stores information about an XML attribute.
Public Class WsXmlAttributeCollection Represents a collection of attributes that can be accessed by name or index.
Public Class WsXmlAttributes Stores a collection of WsXmlAttribute objects.
Public Class WsXmlDocument Contains an XML node tree representation of a SOAP message.
Public Class WsXmlElement Represents an element.
Public Class WsXmlNamespace Stores XML namespace details.
Public Class WsXmlNamespaces Stores a collection of XML namespace objects.
Public Class WsXmlNode Contains XML node properties and child collections.
Public Class WsXmlNodeList Represents an ordered collection of nodes.
Public Class WsXmlNodeProperties Base class that stores XML node properties.
Public Class WsXmlNodes Stores a collection of WsXmlNode objects.