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ProtocolType Enumeration

Specifies the communications protocol that a Socket object uses to transfer data.

Namespace: System.Net.Sockets
Assembly: System (in system.dll)


public enum ProtocolType


  Member name Description
Ggp The Gateway-To-Gateway Protocol.
Icmp The Internet Control Message Protocol.
IcmpV6 The Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6.
Idp The Internet Datagram Protocol.
Igmp The Internet Group Management Protocol.
IP The Internet Protocol.
IPSecAuthenticationHeader The IPv6 Authentication header. For details, see RFC 2292 section 2.2.1, available at
IPSecEncapsulatingSecurityPayload The IPv6 Encapsulating Security Payload header.
IPv4 The Internet Protocol version 4.
IPv6 The Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
IPv6DestinationOptions The IPv6 Destination Options header.
IPv6FragmentHeader The IPv6 Fragment header.
IPv6HopByHopOptions The IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Options header.
IPv6NoNextHeader The IPv6 No-next header.
IPv6RoutingHeader The IPv6 Routing header.
Ipx The Internet Packet Exchange Protocol.
ND The Net Disk Protocol (unofficial).
Pup The PARC Universal Packet Protocol.
Raw The raw IP-packet protocol.
Spx The Sequenced Packet Exchange protocol.
SpxII The Sequenced Packet Exchange version 2 protocol.
Tcp The Transmission Control Protocol.
Udp The User Datagram Protocol
Unknown An unknown protocol.
Unspecified An unspecified protocol.


A Socket object informs the Windows® Sockets API of the protocol that it intends to use. Low-level driver software for the requested protocol must be present on the computer for the socket to be created successfully.

Version Information

Available in .NET Micro Framework version 2.0, 2.5

See Also


System.Net.Sockets Namespace