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SideShowMgr_GetAvailableUserNames (Windows CE 5.0)

Windows CE 5.0 SupportedWindows Embedded NavReady 2009 Supported


This function returns all of the user names available on the Windows Vista computer in a single string. User names are separated by the "#" character. Typically, a Windows Embedded CE powered device has a single user; however, the Windows Vista computer that runs the gadgets can have multiple users. The device might need to query the computer for a list of user names and then invoke SideShowMgr_UserChangeRequestCch to receive gadget data for the correct user.


BOOL SideShowMgr_GetAvailableUserNames(
  WCHAR* wcNames,
  DWORD dwAllocatedCharacters,
  INT* iCurrentUserIndex


  • wcNames
    Buffer allocated by the application to receive the user names.
  • dwAllocatedCharacters
    Number of characters that wcNames can hold.
  • iCurrentUserIndex
    Receives the index of the current user, or -1 if the current user could not be determined.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the allocated buffer is not large enough.

Note:   If dwAllocatedCharacters indicates that the allocated buffer is not large enough (that is, data has increased since the SideShowMgr_GetSizeOfAvailableUserNames function has been invoked), then SideShowMgr_GetAvailableUserNames will return FALSE. The caller should invoke SideShowMgr_GetSizeOfAvailableUserNames to get the new required size.


Header sideshow.h
Library sideshowapi.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0, Windows Embedded NavReady 2009

See Also


SideShow Functions