Configuring DHCP for Remote Boot Services (Windows Embedded Standard 2009)
The Remote Boot service requires that a DHCP server be installed on your network. The DHCP server initiates the communication between the PXE client device and the Remote Boot server, allowing the client device to retrieve necessary image information from the server. The following list shows the DHCP requirements for the Remote Boot service:
- The DHCP server must be configured with a static IP address.
- The DHCP server must have an assigned IP address range.
- Exclusion ranges for all devices on the network that do not support DHCP should be entered.
- IP address reservations should be created as needed.
If you choose to configure Remote Boot service and DHCP to reside on the same server, you must configure the Remote Boot service to communicate using a port that does not conflict with DHCP. From the Remote Boot manager tool, verify that the Use DHCP Port (67) option has not been selected. You must also configure DHCP to include the server option 60. The following command line example shows how to configure DHCP to include server option 60.
netsh dhcp>server \\<server_machine_name>
netsh dhcp>add optiondef 60 PXEClient String 0 comment=PXE support
netsh dhcp>set optionvalue 60 STRING PXEClient
netsh dhcp>exit
If you choose to configure PXE and DHCP to reside on separate servers, you must configure the Remote Boot service to communicate using DHCP port 67. From the Remote Boot manager tool, verify that the Use DHCP Port (67) option has been selected. The DHCP server must not include server option 060 if PXE and DHCP reside on separate servers.
See Also
Remote Boot Overview
Configuring the Remote Boot Service Using Remote Boot Manager
Preparing a Remote Boot Image for Deployment
Starting and Stopping Remote Boot Services
Using a Boot.ini File in a Remote Boot Environment
Remote Boot Response Time