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ClaimedBarcodeScanner.UpdateStatisticsAsync method (Handheld 8)


Updates the specified statistics.


public IAsyncAction UpdateStatisticsAsync(
    IEnumerable<KeyValuePair> statistics
Public Function UpdateStatisticsAsync(
    statistics As IEnumerable(Of KeyValuePair)
) As IAsyncAction
IAsyncAction^ UpdateStatisticsAsync(
    IIterable<IKeyValuePair>^ statistics


  • statistics
    Type: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<IKeyValuePair> [.NET] | IIterable<IKeyValuePair> [C++]

    The list of name-value pairs of statistics to update.

    • An empty string (""=<value1>) sets all statistics that can be set to <value1>.
    • "U_"=<value2> sets all UnifiedPOS-defined statistics that can be set to <value2>.
    • "M_"=<value3> sets all manufacturer-defined statistics that can be set to <value3>.
    • "<actual_name1>"= <value4> sets specific named statistics as defined in the XML file definitions to <value4>.

Return value

Type: IAsyncAction

No object or value is returned by this method when it completes.

See Also


ClaimedBarcodeScanner class
BarcodeScanner class