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HttpWebRequest Members

The following tables list the members exposed by the HttpWebRequest type.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Accept Gets or sets the value of the HTTP Accept header.
Public Property Address Gets the URI for this request.
Public Property AllowAutoRedirect Gets a value that indicates whether the request should follow redirection responses.
Public Property AllowWriteStreamBuffering Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to buffer the data sent to the Internet resource.
Public Property ConnectionGroupName (Inherited from WebRequest.)
Public Property ContentLength Gets or sets the ContentLength of the request entity body.
Public Property ContentType Gets or sets the type of the entity body (the value of the content type).
Public Property ContinueDelegate Gets or sets the delegate used to signal on Continue callback.
Public Property Credentials Gets or sets the user's network credentials, if the user has sent a user name and password.
Public Property Static DefaultMaximumResponseHeadersLength Gets or sets the default maximum allowed length of the response headers.
Public Property DefaultWebProxy (Inherited from WebRequest.)
Public Property Expect Gets or sets the value of the Expect HTTP header.
Public Property HaveResponse Gets whether a response has been received from an Internet resource.
Public Property Headers A collection of HTTP headers stored as name/value pairs.
Public Property HttpsAuthentCerts Gets or sets the array of certificates used to authenticate HTTPS servers.
Public Property IfModifiedSince Gets the IfModifiedSince value of HttpKnownHeaderNames.
Public Property KeepAlive Gets or sets whether to use a persistent connection, if available.
Public Property MaximumAutomaticRedirections Gets the maximum number of automatic redirections. This value is always zero because auto-redirection isn't supported.
Public Property MaximumResponseHeadersLength Gets or sets the maximum allowed length of the response headers.
Public Property MediaType Gets or sets the media type of the request.
Public Property Method Gets or sets the HTTP method of this request.
Public Property ProtocolVersion Gets or sets the HTTP protocol version for this request.
Public Property Proxy Gets or sets the proxy for the request.
Public Property ReadWriteTimeout Gets or sets a timeout in milliseconds when writing to or reading from a stream.
Public Property Referer Gets or sets the value of the Referer HTTP header.
Public Property RequestUri Gets the original Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the request.
Public Property SendChunked Gets or sets the state of chunk transfer send mode.
Public Property Timeout Gets or sets the timeout value in milliseconds for the GetResponse and GetRequestStream methods.
Public Property TransferEncoding Gets or sets the TransferEncoding HTTP header.
Public Property UserAgent Gets or sets the value of the User-Agent HTTP header.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AddRange Overloaded. Adds a range header to a request.
Public Method Create (Inherited from WebRequest.)
Public Method Dispose (Inherited from WebRequest.)
Public Method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Public Method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public Method GetRequestStream Submits a request with HTTP headers to the server, and returns a Stream object to use to write request data.
Public Method GetResponse Returns a response from an Internet resource.
Public Method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public Method ReferenceEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public Method RegisterPrefix (Inherited from WebRequest.)
Public Method ToString (Inherited from Object.)

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Finalize (Inherited from WebRequest.)
Protected Method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)

See Also


HttpWebRequest Class
System.Net Namespace