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Target Control Debugging: mi Command (Compact 2013)


This command displays memory information.


mi kernel | full


  • kernel
    Displays the kernel memory detail.
  • full
    Displays a set of tables that show the virtual memory usage for all of the processes in the system. The table is made up of ASCII characters that represent what each virtual page is being used for.


You can enter the command in two ways:

  • If the OS on your device supports the console window, you can bring up the Target Control window on your device by running shell -c. You can then enter the mi command at the shell command prompt on your device.
  • If you use Platform Builder, you can enter the mi command from the Visual Studio Target Control window.

You can use the mi command in three different ways: with no parameter options, with the kernel option, and with the full option, as shown in the following examples.

  • Use the mi command with no parameter options (mi), as shown in the following output example:

    Windows CE Kernel Memory Usage Tool 0.2
    Page size=4096, 221788 total pages, 219620 free pages. 219609 MinFree pages (8880128 current bytes, 8925184 MaxUsed bytes)
    89 pages used by kernel, 0 pages held by kernel, 2168 pages consumed.
    PROC: Name            PID      AcctId   VMBase   CurZone
     P00: NK.EXE          00400002 00000000 80220000 00000000
     P01: shell.exe       01bf000a 00000000 00010000 00000000
     P02: udevice.exe     014e001a 00000000 00010000 00000000
     P03: udevice.exe     019c002a 00000000 00010000 00000000
     P04: GweUser.exe     03d90006 00000000 00010000 00000000
     P05: explorer.exe    02890012 00000000 00010000 00000000
     P06: dmsrv.exe       02a00012 00000000 00010000 00000003
     P07: servicesd.exe   02550032 00000000 00010000 00000000
     P08: ConmanClient3.exe 03e70056 00000000 00010000 00000000
    Memory usage for Shared Heap:
    Memory usage for Process 'NK.EXE' pid 400002
    Page summary: code=1180(41) data r/o=924 r/w=544 stack=138 reserved=4057
    Memory usage for Process 'shell.exe' pid 1bf000a
    Page summary: code=176(0) data r/o=62 r/w=15 stack=2 reserved=72
    Memory usage for Process 'udevice.exe' pid 14e001a
    Page summary: code=302(47) data r/o=62 r/w=42 stack=18 reserved=388
    Memory usage for Process 'udevice.exe' pid 19c002a
    Page summary: code=168(0) data r/o=62 r/w=10 stack=3 reserved=102
    Memory usage for Process 'GweUser.exe' pid 3d90006
    Page summary: code=178(0) data r/o=62 r/w=8 stack=4 reserved=143
    Memory usage for Process 'explorer.exe' pid 2890012
    Page summary: code=633(24) data r/o=218 r/w=35 stack=9 reserved=240
    Memory usage for Process 'dmsrv.exe' pid 2a00012
    Page summary: code=440(24) data r/o=218 r/w=26 stack=2 reserved=154
    Memory usage for Process 'servicesd.exe' pid 2550032
    Page summary: code=355(24) data r/o=218 r/w=39 stack=7 reserved=246
    Memory usage for Process 'ConmanClient3.exe' pid 3e70056
    Page summary: code=273(31) data r/o=218 r/w=21 stack=7 reserved=181
    Total R/W data + stack = 930
  • Use the mi command with the kernel option (mi kernel), as shown in the following output example:

    Windows CE Kernel Memory Usage Tool 0.2
    Page size=4096, 221788 total pages, 219619 free pages. 219609 MinFree pages (8884224 current bytes, 8925184 MaxUsed bytes)
    89 pages used by kernel, 0 pages held by kernel, 2169 pages consumed.
    Inx Size   Used    Max Extra  Entries Name
     0:   16   3440   3584   144 215(224) ModList/STKLIST/LockList/Alias/CeLogEvent
     1:   40  60120  61200  1080 1503(1530) API/Prxy/HData/KMod/Wdog/TokList
     2:   64   4352   4352     0  68( 68) MapView/CeLogDLL
     3:   96 226080 228384  2304 2355(2379) Crit/Evt/Sem/Mut/PgPool/FSMap/LockPrcList
     4:  156  24180  24336   156 155(156) Module/StubThrd
     5:  412   3708   4120   412   9( 10) Process
     6:  336  33936  36288  2352 101(108) Thrd
     7: 1024      0      0     0   0(  0) Maximum
    Total Used = 355816  Total Extra = 6448  Waste = 408
  • Use the mi command with the full option (mi full).
    When you use mi full, the output shows information detailed in a line-marked page summary. The output displays one table per process in the system. Each line in a table represents 64K of virtual memory within a process, and the first hexadecimal number on each line indicates the base address of the virtual memory for each 64K chunk. The second number on each line, in parentheses, indicates the number of locked pages within the 64K chunk, and can generally be ignored.
    When addresses are skipped within a table, it signifies that no pages are presently allocated in the entire 64K chunk. Following the first two numbers on a line is a series of ASCII characters, each representing a single page of memory within the line's 64K chunk.
    The following table shows the memory information definitions that are included in the page summary.



    <blank space>

    Indicates a virtual page that is not currently allocated. Does not require a physical page.




    Code pages in ROM. Does not require a physical page.


    Code pages in RAM. Requires a physical page.


    Indicates a virtual page that holds a stack. Requires a physical page.


    Indicates a virtual page that is used to map a range of hardware addresses; that is, peripheral memory pages used to map target device memory by using VirtualAlloc.

    Does not require a physical page. Peripheral memory may include frame buffer memory.


    Indicates a virtual page that holds read-write data. Requires a physical page. Read-write pages include global variables as well as dynamically allocated memory.


    Indicates a virtual page that the object store uses. Requires a physical page. Should only appear in the Filesys process.


    Contents unknown.


    Read-only data pages in RAM. Requires a physical page. Read-only data primarily comes from data items that are declared as a const type in the source code.


    Read-only data pages in ROM. Does not require a physical page. Read-only data primarily comes from data items that are declared as a const type in the source code.

    The following output example shows partial results from the mi command with the full option:

    Memory usage for Process 'shell.exe' pid 1bf000a
      00000000: -----r----------
      00010000: -CCCCCCCCCCCCCWW
      00020000: -
      00030000: --------------SS
      00040000: WWW------------
      00050000: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
      00060000: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
      00070000: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
      00080000: RRRRR
      00090000: RRRRRRR
      000a0000: R
      000b0000: WW
      40000000: ----------------
      40010000: -CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
      40020000: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
      40030000: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
      40040000: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
      40050000: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
      40060000: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
      40070000: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
      40080000: CCCCWWCCC---
      40090000: -CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
      400a0000: WCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
      400b0000: CC-
      400d0000: -CCCCW-
      404c0000: -CW-
      404e0000: -CWC-
      404f0000: -CCCCCCW-
    Page summary: code=176(0) data r/o=62 r/w=14 stack=2 reserved=73

See Also


Target Control Debugging