Developing an Operating System (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)
This provides information about the following categories in the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 documentation.
In This Section
- Developing an OS Design
Contains information about how to create and customize an OS design that you can use to create a run-time image.
- Platform Builder User's Guide
Contains information about how to use the Platform Builder integrated development environment.
Run-Time Image Development Process
Describes the Platform Builder build system.This includes information about the end to end process itself and the individual tools that make up the build system.
- Platform Builder Directory Structure
Describes the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 directory structure created when you install CE 6.0 on your development workstation.
- Utilities
Contains information about the utilities that are packaged with Platform Builder.
Related Sections
- Welcome to Windows Embedded CE 6.0
Contains introductory content related to Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and provides information about how to get assistance and provide feedback.