GPEBltParms (Compact 2013)
This structure controls blit operations for GPE and display drivers. Some of the members of GPEBltParms come from applications, while GPE calculates and sets the rest.
struct GPEBltParms {
SCODE (GPE::* pBlt)(GPEBltParms* );
GPESurf* pDst;
GPESurf* pSrc;
GPESurf* pMask;
GPESurf* pBrush;
RECTL* prclDst;
RECTL* prclSrc;
RECTL* prclClip;
COLOR solidColor;
unsigned long bltFlags;
ROP4 rop4;
RECTL* prclMask;
POINTL* pptlBrush;
int xPositive;
int yPositive;
unsigned long* pLookup;
unsigned long (ColorConverter::* pConvert)(unsigned long);
ColorConverter* pColorConverter;
int iMode;
BLENDFUNCTION blendFunction;
GenBltSignature bltSig;
- pBlt
Pointer to a function that will perform the blit operation.
- pDst
Pointer to the destination surface.
- pSrc
Pointer to the source surface.
- pMask
Pointer to the mask surface.
- pBrush
Pointer to the surface containing the brush.
- prclDst
Rectangle describing which portion of the destination surface to use.
- prclSrc
Rectangle describing which portion of the source surface to use.
- prclClip
Pointer to a clipping rectangle defined by the application.
- solidColor
Color to use for solid color fill blits. If the blit is a pattern fill, this should be set to -1.
- bltFlags
Blit operations to perform.
- rop4
ROP value for the blit.
- prclMask
Rectangle describing which portion of the mask surface to use.
- pptlBrush
Pointer to a POINTL brush.
- xPositive
Positive number if the x-coordinate of the display surface increases from left to right.
- yPositive
Positive number if the y-coordinate of the display surface increases from top to bottom.
- pLookup
Pointer to an array of color references which correspond to the palette entries. This is for source to palette color conversions.
- pConvert
Pointer to a function that handles color conversions.
- pColorConverter
Pointer to a color converter class.
- iMode
Mode to be used for StretchBlt. This value corresponds to the value set by SetStretchBltMode.
- blendFunction
Operation to use for AlphaBlend
- bltSig
64-bit encoding of other GPEBltParms members
Header |
gpe.h |