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Secure Digital Card Client Driver (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


In the process of identifying Secure Digital (SD) cards, the bus driver performs bus transactions to determine the type and class of an SD device. Upon determining the card type or class, the bus driver loads the client driver associated with the device using the appropriate protocol. The bus driver loads the client driver based on plug and play information read from the SD card.

To install a client driver on a released device, an application developer should provide an application to install the client driver onto the device and set up appropriate registry keys that match the driver to the card.

A client driver is able to issue commands to a card synchronously or asynchronously. If a client driver does not require the power or performance increase available with asynchronous operation, the SD Card stack provides a simplified synchronous interface designed to remove much of the complexity from the client driver. For more information, see Client Driver Bus Requests.

See Also


Secure Digital Card Driver Development Concepts
Client Driver Entry Points
Client Driver Registration
Card Information Structures
Slot Event Callback
Client Driver Bus Requests