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CeSetDatabaseInfo (CEDB) (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This function sets database parameters, including the name, type, and sort-order descriptions. This function is obsolete. Call the CeSetDatabaseInfoEx (CEDB) function instead.

A RAPI version of this function exists called CeSetDatabaseInfoEx (RAPI).


BOOL CeSetDatabaseInfo(
  CEOID oidDbase, 


  • oidDbase
    [in] Object identifier of the database for which parameters are to be set.
  • pNewInfo
    [in] Pointer to a CEDBASEINFO (CEDB) structure that contains new parameter information for the database. The wNumRecords member of the structure is not used.

Return Value

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. The following table lists possible values.

Value Description


Indicates that the object store is full, and any size changes required could not be accommodated. Changing sort orders can change the size of the stored records, but only by a small amount.


Indicates that a parameter was invalid.


Indicates that this function tried to remove a sort order that is being used by a currently open database.


This function can be used to change the database parameters passed in while creating the database. Changing the sort order of the database can take several minutes. Before calling this function, warn the user that this operation can be lengthy.

For Windows CE 2.10 through 2.12, do not call this function on an open database. For Windows CE 3.0 and later, the sort orders of a database cannot be changed while a handle to that database remains open.

If you attempt to change the information for an existing database and pass the CEDB_VALIDNAME flag in the dwFlags member of the CEDBASEINFO (CEDB) structure, you receive an error stating that there is an existing database with that name. If you do not want to change the database name, do not set the CEDB_VALIDNAME flag. Only the flags for the parameters that are changing should be set. For parameters that are not changing, do not set the corresponding CEDB_VALID* flag.


Header windbase.h
Library coredll.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 1.01 and later

See Also


CEDB Functions
CeCreateDatabase (CEDB)
CeOidGetInfo (CEDB)
CeSetDatabaseInfoEx2 (CEDB)