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Adding a Database Volume on an External Device (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Windows Embedded CE supports volume-based databases that can exist on any mounted file system. Windows Embedded CE also provides functions that allow you to create a database volume on an external device, such as an ATA flash card. All operations on database volumes are the same as the operations on object store databases, except that the database is not in the object store.


An environment based on object store databases is available as optional functionality called Fsdbase. Fsdbase supports database volumes on any mounted file system, including continued support for object store databases.

Database volumes contain data and an integrity log that tracks changes for all operations. The following table shows the database functions that support these operations.

Database function Description

CeCreateDatabaseEx2 (CEDB)

Creates a new database on a specified database volume.

CeDeleteDatabaseEx (CEDB)

Removes a database from a database volume.

CeEnumDBVolumes (CEDB)

Enumerates all mounted database volumes and returns the name for each.

CeFindFirstDatabaseEx (CEDB)

Opens an enumeration context for all databases in a database volume.

CeFindNextDatabaseEx (CEDB)

Retrieves the next database in an enumeration context.

CeMountDBVol (CEDB)

Mounts a database.

CeOidGetInfoEx2 (CEDB)

Retrieves information about an object in the object store or database volume.

CeOpenDatabaseEx2 (CEDB)

Opens a database on a mounted volume.

CeReadRecordPropsEx (CEDB)

Reads properties from the current record.

CeSetDatabaseInfoEx2 (CEDB)

Sets various database parameters, including the name, type, sort-order descriptions, and database compression.


Use the CeChangeDatabaseLCID (CEDB) function to change the locale that is used to sort database information.

See Also


CEDB Database Support