BitmapData (Compact 2013)
This feature is being deprecated for this release. Refer to this component: Windows Imaging Component.
This class is used to create objects that contain information to describe pixel data for a rectangular area of bitmap images.
class BitmapData {
UINT Width;
UINT Height;
INT Stride;
PixelFormat PixelFormat;
VOID* Scan0;
UINT_PTR Reserved;
Data Members
- Width
A UINT value specifying the width, in pixels, of the bitmap image area.
- Height
A UINT value specifying the height, in pixels, of the bitmap image area.
An INT value specifying the number of bytes from one scan line of the bitmap area to the next.This value is negative for bottom-up bitmap images.
- PixelFormat
A PixelFormat value specifying the image's pixel format.
- Scan0
A VOID pointer to the beginning of the first scan line.
- Reserved
A UINT_PTR value. Reserved; set to 0 (zero) before calling IBitmapImage::LockBits or IImagingFactory::CreateBitmapFromBuffer and never use or change it thereafter.
Header |
imaging.h |