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Certificates (Compact 2013)


With certificates, users can implement more secure communications by using a common credential to verify identity.


Windows Embedded Compact does not support Machine certificates.

For more information about certificates, see Digital Certificates.

You have the following options for enrolling for a certificate.

  • Control panel utility   You can use the control panel utility to import a certificate and a private key on your run-time image. To import it onto a Windows Embedded Compact powered device, the private key must be in the Private Key (.pvk) format.
  • Custom enrollment client   To create a custom enrollment client for other certificate authorities, you can use CryptoAPI 2.0.

An OEM can add root certificates to the contents of the root certificates store shipped with Windows Embedded Compact. The root certificates are contained in the sysroots.p7b file, located in public\common\oak\files.

To add this feature to your OS, see Certificates Catalog Items and Sysgen Variables.

For reference information, see Certificates Reference.

See Also

Other Resources

Security for Windows Embedded Compact
Core OS