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MenuEnhancements Sample (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The MenuEnhancements plug-in sample includes synchronous, native device-side code. This plug-in demonstrates how to add items to Remote Tools Framework shell window menus, and how to change the node icons within the tree structure.

Required SDKs

The Pocket PC for Windows Mobile Version 5.0 software development kit (SDK) or the Smartphone for Windows Mobile Version 5.0 SDK are required.

To build the MenuEnhancements sample plug-in without having to install one of the previously listed SDKs, delete the DeviceSideARMV4I project in Visual Studio.

Supported Platforms

A Windows Embedded CE powered device with ARMV4 or ARMV4I CPUs with Windows CE .NET 4.2 or later, that satisfies the required operating system dependencies listed below is supported.

Required Operating System Dependencies

The MenuEnhancements plug-in has only those dependencies required by Core Connectivity. For more information, see Required OS Dependencies for Plug-ins.

See Also

Other Resources

Sample Plug-ins Based on the Remote Tools Framework