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Additional Dependencies for a Device-Side Project (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The following table show the additional dependencies for a device-side project, which are dependent on the platform that you want to target.

Platform Additional Dependencies

Windows CE 5.0 Standard SDK (ARMV4I)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\1.00\lib\wce500\armv4I\rtfhlp10.lib

Windows CE 5.0 Standard SDK (MIPSII)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\1.00\lib\wce500\MIPSII\rtfhlp10.lib

Windows CE 5.0 Standard SDK (MIPSII_FP)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\1.00\lib\wce500\MIPSII_FP\rtfhlp10.lib

Windows CE 5.0 Standard SDK (MIPSIV)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\1.00\lib\wce500\MIPSIV\rtfhlp10.lib

Windows CE 5.0 Standard SDK (MIPSIV_FP)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\1.00\lib\wce500\MIPSIV_FP\rtfhlp10.lib

Windows CE 5.0 Standard SDK (SH4)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\1.00\lib\wce500\SH4\rtfhlp10.lib

Windows CE 5.0 Standard SDK (x86)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\1.00\lib\wce500\X86\rtfhlp10.lib

Additional Dependencies for Custom SDKs

If you want to target a custom SDK that you have created, you may need to ensure that the values you set for the additional dependencies override the ones that Visual Studio sets by default.

For example, Visual Studio assumes that Smart Device projects should link against Ole32.lib, while a minimal OS design may not include Ole32.lib. To override this default assumption, you can use the $(NOINHERIT) flag. For information about creating and building an OS design that you can use as the basis for a custom SDK, see the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 documentation.

For example, the following table lists the values that you might choose to set as additional dependencies for plug-ins that can run on SDKs based on very minimal OS designs.


Additional Dependencies

Your Custom SDK (ARMV4I)

coredll.lib corelibc.lib "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\lib\wce500\armv4I\rtfhlp10.lib" $(NOINHERIT)

Your Custom SDK (MIPSII)

coredll.lib corelibc.lib "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\lib\wce500\MIPSII\rtfhlp10.lib" $(NOINHERIT)

Your Custom SDK (MIPSII_FP)

coredll.lib corelibc.lib "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\lib\wce500\MIPSII_FP\rtfhlp10.lib" $(NOINHERIT)

Your Custom SDK (MIPSIV)

coredll.lib corelibc.lib "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\lib\wce500\MIPSIV\rtfhlp10.lib" $(NOINHERIT)

Your Custom SDK (MIPSIV_FP)

coredll.lib corelibc.lib "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\lib\wce500\MIPSIV_FP\rtfhlp10.lib" $(NOINHERIT)

Your Custom SDK (SH4)

coredll.lib corelibc.lib "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\lib\wce500\SH4\rtfhlp10.lib" $(NOINHERIT)

Your Custom SDK (x86)

coredll.lib corelibc.lib "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework \lib\wce500\X86\rtfhlp10.lib" $(NOINHERIT)

Coredll.lib and Corelibc.lib are standard dependencies that Visual Studio includes if $(NOINHERIT) is omitted from these example values. Since all Windows Embedded CE-based executable files require Coredll.lib and Corelibc.lib, and because all SDKs based on Windows Embedded CE include those libraries, they are added to the list of dependencies.

After you have created a device-side project, you must set the build order of the projects in your Visual Studio solution. Since the desktop-side project includes the build steps to package all the projects together into a .cetool file, it must build last.

To configure the desktop-side project to depend on the new project that you created, in the Solution Explorer, select the desktop-side project and then, from the context menu, select Project Dependencies. Make sure the new device-side project you created is selected, which ensures that it is a dependency of the desktop-side project, and then click OK.

You must also use the Visual Studio Configuration Manager to specify the target platform that you want the project to use. To do this, from the Build menu, select Configuration Manager. In the Platform box for the new project you created, set the value to the platform you want to build. Make sure that you have selected the right microprocessor.

For example, for the DeviceSideMIPSII project in the SimplePlugin solution, the target platform is "STANDARDSDK_500 (MIPSII)".

Finally, use the Bundle Editor Tool to add the new device-side target to the .cebundleinfo file. Make sure that you specify the correct CPU type platform name that you set in the Visual Studio Configuration Manager.

For example, in the .cebundleinfo file contained in the SimplePlugin sample project, the following code example shows the device package entry for the MIPSII microprocessor.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Remote Tools Framework\1.00\Samples\SimplePlugIn\DeviceSide\MIPSII\%Configuration%\DeviceComponent.exe

See Also


Creating a Device-Side Project for an Existing Plug-in