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Telephony API Client


This package is a Feature Pack in the category Networking. The name of the package as it appears on disk and for use with some command-line tools is WinEmb-TapiClient.

This package includes the Telephony API (TAPI) for controlling telephony devices such as voice modems, PBX handsets, and other dedicated devices. Voice over IP (VoIP) is also supported in later editions of TAPI.


Name Description


One to retain the configured telephony locations(Default), Zero to cleanup the configured telephony locations


Unattend settings for Telephony Location.


  • Microsoft TAPI Client
  • RIP Listener


Package Dependencies

This package depends upon the IrDA and Unimodem package.

Group Dependencies

No group dependencies.

Optional Supporting Packages

You can select any number of packages from the following list:

You can use the optional packages to enable the following functions:

To do this Use these packages

Provide Terminal Manager Media Streaming Terminal (MST) capability which is based on DirectShow..

Audio and Video Engines and Media Foundation

Common Uses

Devices that are typically connected to a network might also use TAPI to control a modem for connectivity when the network is busy or otherwise unavailable.
