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Create a Bootable Utility UFD


To create a bootable utility USB flash device (UFD), you must partition and format the device to make it bootable, and then you can copy utility files to the UFD.

Hardware and Software Assumptions


To copy the utility files to a UFD and make it bootable

  1. From a Windows 7 or Windows PE environment, run the DiskPart tool. For example, at the command prompt, type the following:



    The version of the DiskPart tool provided by both Windows 7 and Windows PE supports the partitioning and formatting of a UFD as a bootable device. Previous versions of the DiskPart tool do not support partitioning and formatting a UFD to be bootable.

  2. Use the DiskPart tool to determine the disk number and device size to be used for the next step by typing the following at the DiskPart command prompt:

    list disk
  3. Use the DiskPart tool to partition and format the device and make it bootable. For example, if the UFD is Disk 1, type the following at the DiskPart command prompt, replacing <device_size> with the capacity of the UFD (in MB).

    select disk <disk_number>
    create partition primary size=<device_size>
    select partition 1
    format fs=ntfs quick

    The UFD is now bootable.

  4. On the development computer, copy all the files in the \ISO directory of <tempdir> to the UFD. For example, if the UFD drive letter is F and the temporary directory is C:\utildisk, type the following:

    xcopy C:\utildisk\iso\*.* /s /e /f F:\
  5. You can now use the UFD as a bootable utility UFD for Standard 7.

See Also


Create a Bootable Utility Image
Create a Bootable Utility CD-ROM