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IRemoteToolStream::ProcessCommand (Compact 7)


When used, this enables you to fully process, or send and receive, a command sent to the device. This means that you can send the command to the device and then wait for the response from the device.

This function blocks until the command returns or the connection is broken.


HRESULT ProcessCommand([in] IRemoteToolCommand * pCommandIn, [out] IRemoteToolCommand ** ppRemoteToolCommand)


  • pCommandIn
    The command to send to the device.
  • ppRemoteToolCommand
    The command sent back from the device in response to pCommandIn.

Return Value

E_INVALIDARG if pCommandIn or ppRemoteToolCommand are NULL.

ERROR_INVALID_DATA if the stream has not been instantiated.

RT_ERROR_DISCONNECTED (0x80040001) if the stream is currently disconnected from the device.

E_OUTOFMEMORY if the desktop is in a low memory condition.

RT_ERROR_ALLOCATEDSIZETOOSMALL (0x80040005) if too much data was added to pCommandIn and cannot be sent to the device.

S_OK if success.

See Also

