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Display - GDI Tests (Compact 7)


The Display GDI tests are comprised of the following.

In This Section

Test Introduction

GDI Performance Tests

Assesses the performance of common display operations

Verify GDI in a Window on the Primary Surface

Verifies that basic shapes, including rectangles, triangles, circles, and ellipses, are drawn correctly

Verify GDI in Win_Primary on RTL

Verifies that basic shapes, including rectangles, triangles, circles, and ellipses, are drawn correctly

Verify GDI on a System Memory Primary Surface

Verifies that basic shapes, including rectangles, triangles, circles, and ellipses, are drawn correctly

Verify GDI on a Video Memory Surface

Verifies that basic shapes, including rectangles, triangles, circles, and ellipses, are drawn correctly

Verify GDI Printer

Exercises the GDI drawing APIs on a printer to verify that the print driver and middleware produce the correct printed page

See Also



Other Resources

Compact Test Kit (CTK)