Bluetooth API Miscellaneous Functions (Compact 7)
This section describes miscellaneous Bluetooth API functions, including Bluetooth specific information about functions in the Winsock API.
- BthAnswerBondingReq
Responds to a pair request from a Bluetooth device by using a PIN to authenticate the response.
- BthGetLocalName
Returns the local Bluetooth device name.
- BthGetMode
Retrieves the current mode of operation, such as off, connectable, or discoverable, of the Bluetooth radio.
- BthInitiateBonding
Uses a PIN to make a pair request to a Bluetooth device.
- BthSetLocalName
Sets the local Bluetooth device name.
- BthSetMode
Sets the Bluetooth mode of operation, such as off, connectable, and discoverable.
- BthSuppressRetry
Disables retrying to query Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) records.
- CancelInquiry
Cancels the current inquiry operation.
- DoInquiry
Initiates a Bluetooth inquiry (search for devices).
- GetDeviceByAddr
Searches the registry for the specified device address and returns a pointer to the IBTDevice interface.
- GetDeviceByName
Searches the registry for the specified device name and returns a pointer to the IBTDevice interface.
- GetDeviceList
Retrieves a list of devices and the supported services from the registry.
The following functions are part of the Winsock API, but the information that is presented for them is specific to Bluetooth.
- accept (Bluetooth)
Permits an incoming connection attempt on a socket.
- bind (Bluetooth)
Associates a local address with a socket.
- connect (Bluetooth)
Establishes a connection to a specified socket.
- getpeername (Bluetooth)
Retrieves the name of the peer to which a socket is connected.
- getsockname (Bluetooth)
Retrieves the local name for a socket.
- getsockopt (Bluetooth)
Retrieves a socket option.
- setsockopt (Bluetooth)
Sets a socket option.
- socket (Bluetooth)
Creates a socket that is bound to a specific service provider.
- WSALookupServiceBegin (Bluetooth)
Initiates a client query that is constrained by the information contained within a WSAQUERYSET (Bluetooth) structure.
- WSALookupServiceEnd (Bluetooth)
Frees the handle after previous calls to the WSALookupServiceBegin (Bluetooth) and WSALookupServiceNext (Bluetooth) functions.
- WSALookupServiceNext (Bluetooth)
Retrieves the results of an SDP search.
- WSASetService (Bluetooth)
Adds, updates, or removes service records from the local SDP database.