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LoaderVerifierAddToBlockList (Compact 7)


This function adds an item to one of the Loader Verifier lists of blocked items.


HRESULT LoaderVerifierAddToBlockList(
    __in LV_BLOCKLIST slBlockList,
    __in_bcount(cbItem)const BYTE* pbItem,
    __in DWORD cbItem


  • slBlockList
    [in] Type of block list to add the item to. Currently the only supported block list type is LV_BLOCKLIST_CERTHASH and pbItem points to the hash of a certificate to be blocked.
  • pbItem
    [in] Pointer to a variable that contains the item to be added to the block list. If slBlockList sets LV_BLOCKLIST_CERTHASH as the block list type, the item that this method adds to the list is the hash of the certificate to be blocked.
  • cbItem
    [in] Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer that pbItem points to.

Return Value

The following table shows the possible return values.

Value Description


The item was added to the block list successfully.


slBlockList contains an invalid value.


The item is already in the block list. This return value corresponds to the Win32 error code ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS.


pbItem is NULL.

See Also


Security Loader Functions