POSReady 7 Technical Reference (POSReady 7)
This reference contains detailed information about the packages included with Windows Embedded POSReady 7.
In This Section
- Add and Remove POSReady 7 Features
Provides information about how to add and remove POSReady 7 feature packs using DISM from the Command Prompt.
- Using Display Languages
Provides information about how to use display languages in POSReady 7.
- Hibernate POSReady 7 using Powercfg Command-Line Options
Provides information on using powercfg command-line options to hibernate POSReady 7.
- Create a POSReady 7 Distribution Share
Provides information about creating a distribution share and adding packages.
- POSReady 7 Feature Packages Technical Reference
Technical reference and package dependency information for POSReady 7 feature packages.
- Embedded Enabling Features Technical Reference
Technical reference information for POSReady 7 Embedded Enabling Features.