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_ItemConverter (Compact 7)


This C++ class provides a method to convert an object from an XRValue to an item of type ItemType.


class _ItemConverter 


The following table lists any methods that belong to this class.

Method Description

_ItemConverter.Convert(XRValue *,ItemType *)

Obtains an ItemType object from an XRValue encapsulated object.

Thread Safety

Members of this class are not thread safe when you add, remove, update, or clear the objects in the collection. When you are updating objects with new data from the data provider, implement single threading, and block other operations until the update is finished.


The _ItemConverter class is the default value of the ItemConverter template parameter in _XRValueCollectionBaseT<IFace,ItemType,ItemComparer,ItemConverter,ItemLifeManager>. It provides the default functionality to convert XRValue objects to custom types.

If you want to provide a customized implementation, such as converting an XRValue to an IXRPropertyBag derived custom type or an IXREnumerable derived custom type, you can define your own class and set it as the ItemConverter template parameter of _XRValueCollectionBaseT<IFace,ItemType,ItemComparer,ItemConverter,ItemLifeManager>.




See Also


Classes for Populating UI Elements with Data