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iXRPropertyBagBinding (Compact 7)


This C++ superinterface provides a method that resolves property objects by name in a property bag for a data source object.


class __declspec(novtable) iXRPropertyBagBinding : public IXRPropertyBag

Inheritance Hierarchy




The following table lists the methods that belong to this interface.

Method Description

iXRPropertyBagBinding.GetPropertyName(iXRPropertyBinding *)

Returns the name of the property that is represented by the specified iXRPropertyBinding derived object.

Thread Safety

Members of this class are virtual methods and do not yet have implementations; therefore, they are not thread safe. To ensure thread safety in a derived class, the derived method implementations can implement functionality to block other threads.


iXRPropertyBagBinding is considered a property bag, in which an object stores its properties.

Each iXRPropertyBinding derived object in the data-source object specifies a data-source object as its owner by accessing its iXRPropertyBagBinding interface. Then, each iXRPropertyBinding contained object stores its property name in the static metadata table in the iXRPropertyBagBinding owner object, to optimize memory usage for iXRPropertyBinding object instances.

When to Implement

Implement a subinterface, such as TPropertyBag<Derived>, on a custom data-source object. The data-source object must contain iXRPropertyBinding objects that represent properties whose values are displayed in data-bound elements.




See Also


Classes for Populating UI Elements with Data