UsbController.ConfigError Enumeration
Specifes the errors that can occur when configuring a USB port.
Namespace: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.UsbClient
Assembly: (in )
public enum UsbController.ConfigError
Member name | Description | |
ConfigAttr | The configuration attribute is incorrect. | |
ConfigNum | The configuration number was larger than 1. | |
ConfigOK | The configuration is correct. | |
ConfigSize | The record size does not match the configuration descriptor size or the config descriptor size is wrong. | |
ConfigType | There is a configuration descriptor type mismatch. | |
ControllerStarted | An attempt was made to change the configuration of an active controller. The controller must be stopped or shut down before your program can change the configuration. | |
DeviceSize | The device descriptor length or or the header size incorrect. | |
DeviceType | There is a device descriptor type mismatch. | |
DuplicateEndpoint | The endpoint appears more than once in the configuration list. | |
DuplicateInterface | The interface appears more than once in the configuration list. | |
EndpointAttr | The endpoint attribute is incorrect. | |
EndpointLength | The length of the endpoint descriptor is incorrect. | |
EndpointRange | The endpoint number is not within the valid range. Specifically, it is less than 1 or it is too large. | |
EndpointType | The endpoint type is incorrect. | |
Ep0Size | The maximum size of the device descriptor is incorrect for endpoint 0. | |
ExtraConfig | More than one configuration descriptor header was found. | |
ExtraDevice | More than one device descriptor record was found. | |
GenericDir | The direction for a generic descriptor data (bmRequestType) can only be IN. | |
InterfaceAlt | Alternate interfaces are not allowed. | |
InterfaceLen | The length of an interface descriptor is incorrect. | |
InterfaceType | The interface type is incorrect. | |
MissingRecord | The device descriptor record or the configuration descriptor record is missing. | |
NoEndpoint | The interface was defined without endpoints. | |
NoInterface | The configuration was defined with no interfaces. | |
NoSuchController | There is no such controller for this device. | |
NumConfigs | More than one configuration is defined for this device. | |
StringSize | The string descriptor length and the header size do not match. | |
StringType | The is a string descriptor type mismatch. | |
TooManyInterfaces | More than 10 interfaces were defined in the configuration list. | |
UnknownRecord | An unknown record type was found in the configuration descriptor list. |
Version Information
Available in the .NET Micro Framework version 4.1 and 4.2.