Accept |
The Accept HTTP header. |
AcceptCharset |
The Accept-Charset HTTP header. |
AcceptEncoding |
The Accept-Encoding HTTP header. |
AcceptLanguage |
The Accept-Language HTTP header. |
AcceptRanges |
The Accept-Ranges HTTP header. |
Age |
The Age HTTP header. |
Allow |
The Allow HTTP header. |
Authorization |
The Authorization HTTP header. |
CacheControl |
The Cache-Control HTTP header. |
Connection |
The Connection HTTP header. |
ContentEncoding |
The Content-Encoding HTTP header. |
ContentLanguage |
The Content-Language HTTP header. |
ContentLength |
The Content-Length HTTP header. |
ContentLocation |
The Content-Location HTTP header. |
ContentMD5 |
The Content-MD5 HTTP header. |
ContentRange |
The Content-Range HTTP header. |
ContentType |
The Content-Type HTTP header. |
Cookie |
The Cookie HTTP header. |
Cookie2 |
The Cookie2 HTTP header. |
Date |
The Date HTTP header. |
ETag |
The ETag HTTP header. |
Expect |
The Expect HTTP header. |
Expires |
The Expires HTTP header. |
From |
The From HTTP header. |
Host |
The Host HTTP header. |
IfMatch |
The If-Match HTTP header. |
IfModifiedSince |
The If-Modified-Since HTTP header. |
IfNoneMatch |
The If-None-Match HTTP header. |
IfRange |
The If-Range HTTP header. |
IfUnmodifiedSince |
The If-Unmodified-Since HTTP header. |
KeepAlive |
The Keep-Alive HTTP header. |
LastModified |
The Last-Modified HTTP header. |
Location |
The Location HTTP header. |
MaxForwards |
The Max-Forwards HTTP header. |
Pragma |
The Pragma HTTP header. |
ProxyAuthenticate |
The Proxy-Authenticate HTTP header. |
ProxyAuthorization |
The Proxy-Authorization HTTP header. |
ProxyConnection |
The Proxy-Connection HTTP header. |
Range |
The Range HTTP header. |
Referer |
The Referer HTTP header. |
RetryAfter |
The Retry-After HTTP header. |
Server |
The Server HTTP header. |
SetCookie |
The Set-Cookie HTTP header. |
SetCookie2 |
The Set-Cookie2 HTTP header. |
TE |
The TE HTTP header. |
Trailer |
The Trailer HTTP header. |
TransferEncoding |
The Transfer-Encoding HTTP header. |
Upgrade |
The Upgrade HTTP header. |
UserAgent |
The User-Agent HTTP header. |
Vary |
The Vary HTTP header. |
Via |
The Via HTTP header. |
Warning |
The Warning HTTP header. |
WWWAuthenticate |
The WWW-Authenticate HTTP header. |