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System.Threading Namespace

Provides types that handle threading.


Name Description
Public Class AutoResetEvent Notifies a waiting thread that an event has occurred.
Public Class Interlocked Provides atomic operations for variables that are shared by multiple threads.
Public Class ManualResetEvent Notifies one or more waiting threads that an event has occurred. This class cannot be inherited.
Public Class Monitor Provides a mechanism that synchronizes access to objects.
Public Class Thread Creates and controls a thread, sets its priority, and gets its status.
Public Class ThreadAbortException The exception that is thrown when a call is made to the Abort method.
Public Class Timeout Provides a constant you can use to specify an infinite amount of time.
Public Class Timer Provides a mechanism for executing a method at specified intervals.
Public Class WaitHandle Encapsulates operating system-specific objects that wait for exclusive access to shared resources.


Name Description
Public Delegate ThreadStart Represents the method that executes on Thread objects.
Public Delegate TimerCallback Represents the method that handles calls from Timer objects.


Name Description
Public Enumeration ThreadPriority Specifies the scheduling priority of the current Thread object (thread).
Public Enumeration ThreadState Specifies the execution states of the current Thread object (thread).