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Run a Targeted Build (Compact 2013)


With Windows Embedded Compact 2013, you do not always have to run the complete build process. Using a targeted build, you can save time by building specific directories or subprojects.

To run a targeted build on a directory or subproject

  • In Solution Explorer, right-click the item, and then click Build.

To have the changes represented in the final image, you must rebuild the image.

To manually rebuild the image

  • Go to Build > Make Run-Time Image.

You can set the image to rebuild automatically (so that you no longer have to run it separately).

To enable automatic image rebuilding

  • Go to Build > Targeted Build Settings > Make Run-Time Image After Building.

You might want your targeted builds to include debug binaries.

To enable debug binaries for targeted builds

  • Go to Build > Targeted Build Settings > Always Build Debug.

See Also


Customize Your Build