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Step 8: Create a Presentation for Device Stage (Compact 7)


When you include MTP Responder for Windows Embedded Compact 7 in your device, you can choose to use the baseline presentation or you can create a custom presentation for Device Stage.

Baseline Presentation

The baseline presentation is a good choice if you do not want to develop a customized metadata package and submit it to Microsoft to be signed. You can replace the baseline presentation later with a customized presentation. Your device will automatically create a baseline presentation when you include MTP Responder catalog items in your OS design, configure registry settings with information about your device, and implement OAL support for battery and storage status.

The baseline presentation contains the following:

  • Status information from device drivers, such as battery level, storage space, and storage configuration.
  • Information from the registry on your device, such as device display name and model and manufacturer name.
  • A device icon retrieved from the \Windows directory on the device.

For more information about the Device Stage baseline presentation, see Windows 7 Device Stage Portable Devices Development Kit in the Microsoft Device Experience Development Kit.

Remove the Media Synchronization Task

The baseline presentation includes a task for media synchronization. If you do not want to support media synchronization, you can remove the media synchronization task so that it is not presented to the user.

Remove the media synchronization task from the baseline presentation by installing a non-media baseline metadata package on your device. This package contains a version of the baseline presentation without a media synchronization task. The computer loads this metadata package from your device and uses it to display this new baseline presentation instead of the default baseline presentation.

The non-media baseline metadata package is available in the following location:


To install the non-media baseline metadata package on your device

  1. Set the Model ID for your device to the GUID value {4E794ABF-01F1-42c8-92C5-97C8CCB4AE41}. For more about Model ID, see Device Information.

  2. Include the non-media baseline metadata package in your binary image build and configure the device metadata service to transfer this metadata package from the device to the computer when the device first connects to the computer. For more information about the device metadata service, see Device Metadata Service. For more information about binary image builds, see Binary Image Builder File.

When the user’s computer connects to your device, MTP Responder automatically copies the non-media baseline metadata package to the computer, and Device Stage displays the baseline presentation to the user without a media synchronization task.

Custom Presentation

To create a device metadata package, you must assemble the files that make up a Device Stage customized presentation for installation on the host computer that is running Windows 7. Customized presentations can include your company’s branding elements and tasks that are specific to your device. When you create a customized presentation for your device, you must submit your device to Microsoft for Windows logo certification. After your device is certified, you can submit your metadata packages to Microsoft to be signed. Device Stage only displays signed device metadata packages.

A custom presentation contains the following:

  • Status information, which is the same as in the baseline presentation, unless you add customized status information.
  • Information from XML files in a device metadata package that you create for your device.

If you previously created a Device Stage metadata package for Windows Embedded CE 6.0, you can use that metadata package in Compact 7 without modifications, or you can enhance it to take advantage of new features in Compact 7. For information about creating metadata packages that drive customized Device Stage presentations, see the Microsoft Device Experience Development Kit.

Device Icon

When your device connects for the first time to a computer running Windows 7, the computer attempts to load an icon file from your device, and then to store this icon in a Device Manager node on the computer. We recommend, but do not require, that you include a device icon for a baseline presentation for a device in the portable devices category. For customized presentations, you must include the device icon in the metadata package, but you do not have to include it in the OS on the device.

To add an icon to your device

  1. Create an icon file in the .ico file format. See the instructions for creating icons in the Windows 7 Device Stage Design Guide, which is in the Microsoft Device Experience Development Kit.

  2. Name the icon file MTPdeviceicon.ico.

  3. Copy MTPdeviceicon.ico to the \Windows directory during binary image build. For more information about binary image build, see Binary Image Builder File.

After you create a presentation, go to Step 9: Test Your Presentation.

See Also


Implement Device Stage Support