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LineDisplay.DisplayTextAt Method (Int32, Int32, String, DisplayTextMode) (POS for .NET v1.14 SDK Documentation)


Displays the string of characters at the specified row and column, in the specified display mode.

Namespace: Microsoft.PointOfService
Assembly: Microsoft.PointOfService (in microsoft.pointofservice.dll)


Public MustOverride Sub DisplayTextAt ( _
    row As Integer, _
    column As Integer, _
    data As String, _
    attribute As DisplayTextMode _
public abstract void DisplayTextAt (
    int row,
    int column,
    string data,
    DisplayTextMode attribute
virtual void DisplayTextAt (
    int row, 
    int column, 
    String^ data, 
    DisplayTextMode attribute
) abstract
public abstract void DisplayTextAt (
    int row, 
    int column, 
    String data, 
    DisplayTextMode attribute
public abstract function DisplayTextAt (
    row : int, 
    column : int, 
    data : String, 
    attribute : DisplayTextMode


  • row
    The start row for the text.
  • column
    The start column for the text.
  • data
    The string of characters to display.
  • attribute
    The display attribute for the text. Possible values are defined by the DisplayTextMode enumeration. Must be either Normal or Blink.


The characters in data are processed beginning at the window location that is specified by the row and column parameters, and continuing in succeeding columns.

If the CapBlink property is set to NoBlink, all blink escape sequences is filtered out for display. If the CapReverse property is set to None, all reverse escape sequences is filtered out.

DisplayTextAt has the same effect as setting the CursorRow property to row, setting the CursorColumn property to column, and then calling the DisplayText method.

DisplayTextAt may cause a PosControlException to be thrown with the following ErrorCode.




One or more of the following conditions has occurred:

  • The value specified for row or for column is out of range.

  • The value specified for attribute is not found in the DisplayTextMode enumerator.

  • The window is in Marquee On mode, and DisplayTextAt cannot be called while the device is in that mode.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread-safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

See Also


LineDisplay Class
LineDisplay Members
Microsoft.PointOfService Namespace
LineDisplay.DisplayText Method
LineDisplay.DisplayText Method
LineDisplay.ClearText Method