BarCodeSymbology |
Enumerates the valid bar code symbol types. |
BarCodeTextPosition |
Enumerates possible placements for the readable character string of a bar code. |
BeginDetectionType |
Enumerates the card detection process. |
BeltDirection |
Enumerates the belt direction. |
BeltMotionStatus |
Enumerates possible values of the current motion state of the device. |
BinaryConversion |
Enumerates the possible binary conversion methods for legacy controls. |
BirDataTypes |
Enumerates the possible types of data that the BiometricsInformationRecord (BIR) class can hold. |
BirPurpose |
Enumerates the possible purpose for gathering the biometrics information. |
BorderType |
Enumerates the possible types of borders to display. |
CapSensorColors |
Enumerates the possible image formats that the device supports. |
CapSensorOrientations |
Enumerates the possible degrees of rotation of the sensor image prior to processing. |
CapSensorTypes |
Enumerates the types of biometrics data that can be captured by the attached sensor. |
CardDetectionControl |
Enumerates whether the application or the reader/writer can control the detection processing, ejection processing, or storing processing of the card. |
CardDetectionTypes |
Enumerates the types of card detection. |
CashChangerFullStatus |
Enumerates values that describe the full status of cash slots in a Cash Changer device. |
CashChangerStatus |
Enumerates possible current status values for the CashChanger class. |
CashCountType |
Enumerates the possible types of cash, bill or coin. |
CashDepositAction |
Enumerates the possible ways to deal with deposited cash. |
CashDepositPause |
Enumerates two possible values, Pause and Resume, for a cash acceptance operation. |
CashDepositStatus |
Enumerates the possible current status values of the cash acceptance operation. |
CatLogs |
Enumerates the available log functions for a credit authorization terminal (CAT) device. |
CharacterSetCapability |
Enumerates the possible default character sets for a printer, line display, or point card reader/writer device. |
CheckColors |
Enumerates the possible image format color ranges for a check scanner. |
CheckCountryCode |
Enumerates the possible countries/regions in which the check originated. |
CheckImageClear |
Enumerates the possible values for how an image file is to be located. |
CheckImageFormats |
Enumerates the possible formats of a data image file. |
CheckImageLocate |
Enumerates the possible values for how an image file is to be retrieved from memory. |
CheckType |
Enumerates the valid check types for the most recently read Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) data. |
ClockFunction |
Enumerates valid clock commands. |
ClockMode |
Enumerates the valid display formats for the clock. |
CoinDispenserStatus |
Enumerates the valid states of the coin dispenser device. |
CompareFirmwareResult |
Enumerates the valid comparison results between firmware files. |
ControlState |
Enumerates the valid states of a device. |
CreditTransactionType |
Enumerates the valid transaction types for an authorization operation. |
DealingLogStatus |
Enumerates the possible status conditions of the Dealing Log for a CAT device. |
DepositStatus |
Enumerates possible deposit status values. |
DetectionState |
Enumerates the state of card detection. |
DeviceAuthenticationLevel |
Enumerates the level of device authentication supported by the service. |
DeviceAuthenticationProtocol |
Enumerates the device authentication protocol supported by the device. |
DeviceCompatibilities |
Enumerates the valid compatibility levels for a POS device. |
DeviceUnits |
Enumerates the valid unit IDs of a single video unit for a Bump Bar or Remote Order Display device. |
DisplayBlink |
Enumerates the valid line display blink capabilities for a Line Display device. |
DisplayCursors |
Enumerates the possible supported cursor types. |
DisplayMarqueeFormat |
Enumerates the possible marquee format values. |
DisplayMarqueeType |
Enumerates the valid marquee type values. |
DisplayReadBack |
Enumerates the possible read back capability values. |
DisplayReverse |
Enumerates the possible reverse video capability values. |
DisplayScrollText |
Enumerates the possible scrolling directions. |
DisplaySetDescriptor |
Enumerates the possible display descriptor attributes. |
DisplayTextMode |
Enumerates the possible text mode values. |
EftTransactionCompletion |
Enumerates possible completion values for an EFT transaction. |
EftTransactionType |
Enumerates the possible EFT transaction types. |
ElectronicJournalStations |
Enumerates the station for subsequent data storing into the medium. |
EncryptionAlgorithm |
Enumerates the encryption algorithms supported by the device. |
EndDepositAction |
Enumerates a value that indicates that the cash acceptance operation has been completed. |
ErrorCode |
Enumerates the valid types of errors for an error event. |
ErrorLocus |
Enumerates possible times when an error occurred. |
ErrorResponse |
Enumerates the valid responses an application can make to an error event. |
FiscalAdjustment |
Enumerates the valid types of fiscal adjustments. |
FiscalAdjustmentType |
Enumerates the valid types of package adjustments. |
FiscalContractorId |
Enumerates the valid contractors to whom the receipt and/or some items of the receipt can be assigned. |
FiscalCountryCodes |
Enumerates the valid countries/regions supported by the fiscal printer. |
FiscalCurrency |
Enumerates the valid currencies for a fiscal printer. |
FiscalData |
Enumerates the valid data items that can be retrieved from a Fiscal Printer. |
FiscalDateType |
Enumerates the valid types of dates that can be supported by the fiscal printer. |
FiscalErrorLevel |
Enumerates the valid severity levels for an error condition on a fiscal printer. |
FiscalMessageType |
Enumerates all possible fiscal message types. |
FiscalPrinterState |
Enumerates the possible printer operational states that can be reported for a fiscal printer. |
FiscalPrinterStations |
Enumerates the possible fiscal printer stations that can be set to print or reported as printing during the occurrence of an error. |
FiscalReceiptStation |
Enumerates the valid fiscal printer stations that can be used to start non-fiscal fixed text printing. |
FiscalReceiptType |
Enumerates the valid types of receipts for a fiscal printer. |
FiscalSlipSelection |
Enumerates two document types—full-length and validation—to be printed. |
FiscalTotalizer |
Enumerates the possible types of totalizers for a fiscal printer. |
FiscalTotalizerType |
Enumerates the possible types of totalizers. |
FrameType |
Enumerates the possible types of information contained within the Image Scanner's FrameData property. |
GateStatus |
Enumerates the status of the Gate. |
HealthCheckLevel |
Enumerates the possible types of health checks to be performed on a device. |
ImageMemoryStatus |
Enumerates the availability status values for image memory. |
ImageMode |
Enumerates the possible modes of operation that an Image Scanner device can use. |
ImageQuality |
Enumerates the level of image quality supported by the Image Scanner device. |
ItemDispenserStatus |
Enumerates the status of the ItemDispenser. |
KeyboardEventType |
Enumerates the possible type of keyboard events that the application will receive. |
KeyEvent |
Enumerates the possible types for the most recent key event. |
KeylockType |
Lists the possible keylock device types. |
LightAlarms |
Enumerates the different alarms supported by the Light device. |
LightColors |
Enumerates the supported colors for the Light device. |
LogState |
Enumerates the state of the transaction log. |
MapMode |
Lists the valid units of measure for Printer, Check Scanner, and Point Card Reader Writer devices. |
MarkerType |
Lists the possible marker types. |
MsrErrorReporting |
Lists the error reporting types for an MSR device. |
MsrTracks |
Lists the possible combinations of track data to be read. |
PageModeDescriptors |
Lists the valid page mode functions of the printer for the selected PageModeStation. |
PageModePrintControl |
Lists the valid Page Mode controls for a print station. |
PageModePrintDirection |
Lists the possible print directions that can be set for a print station. |
PaymentCondition |
Lists the valid payment conditions for an authorization operation. |
PaymentMedia |
Lists the valid payment media types for an approval method. |
PinEntryStatus |
Lists the possible PIN entry status values. |
PinPadDisplay |
Lists the possible ways in which an application can use the PIN pad’s display. |
PinPadLanguage |
Lists language characteristics for predefined prompt messages of the PIN pad device. |
PinPadMessage |
Lists the possible prompt messages for the PIN pad device. |
PinPadSystem |
Enumerates the possible PIN pad management systems to use. |
PointCardAreas |
Lists the valid parts of the point card that can be cleared. |
PointCardReadWriteState |
Lists valid track states for a Point Card Reader Writer. |
PointCardRWTracks |
Enumerates the possible tracks to read from or write to. |
PointCardState |
Enumerates the possible card states the point card device can be in. |
PowerNotification |
Enumerates the possible states of power notification for the current device. |
PowerReporting |
Enumerates the possible power reporting capabilities of a device. |
PowerSource |
Enumerates possible current power sources for a device. |
PowerState |
Enumerates the possible current power state values for a device. |
PrinterCartridgeNotify |
Enumerates the possible cartridge-state notification capabilities for a printer. |
PrinterCartridgeSensors |
Enumerates the possible printer-cartridge-monitoring sensors. |
PrinterCartridgeStates |
Enumerates the possible printer cartridge states. |
PrinterColors |
Enumerates the possible printer color cartridges. |
PrinterErrorLevel |
Enumerates the possible severity levels for the most recent error condition. |
PrinterLogoLocation |
Enumerates the possible locations for setting a logo. |
PrinterMarkFeeds |
Enumerates the possible kinds of mark-sensed paper handling. |
PrinterSide |
Enumerates possible sides of the print station document on which printing can occur. |
PrinterStation |
Enumerates the possible printer station modes. |
PrinterTransactionControl |
Enumerates the possible transaction modes for a printer station. |
PrintRotation |
Enumerates the possible rotation settings for a printer device. |
RemoteOrderDisplayEventTypes |
Lists the possible event types for touch video input on a Remote Order Display device. |
RemoteOrderDisplayTransaction |
Lists the possible transaction control functions for a Remote Order Display device. |
ReportType |
Lists all report types used in POS for .NET. |
RFIDProtocols |
Enumerates the available predefined RFID tag protocols the device supports. |
RFIDReadOptions |
Enumerates the tags within range that meet a parameterized criteria. |
Rotation |
Lists the possible bitmap and bar code rotations for printing. |
SensorColor |
Lists the image capture modes for available biometric capture operations. |
SensorOrientation |
Indicates the requested orientation adjustment to the received sensor data prior to BiometricsInformationRecord creation. |
SensorType |
Lists the possible types of data that the Biometrics Scanner may be designed to capture. |
SmartCardInterfaceModes |
Lists the possible communication modes for Smart Card devices. |
SmartCardIsoEmvModes |
Lists the valid message standards for a Smart Card device. |
SmartCardReadAction |
Lists the possible types of processing of the data that is to be done by the smart card. |
SmartCardTransmissionProtocols |
Lists the possible types of transmission protocols for a Smart Card device. |
SmartCardWriteAction |
Lists the possible types of processing of the data that is to be done by the smart card. |
StatisticCategories |
Lists the possible categories of device statistics that can be retrieved, reset, or updated. |
StatusNotify |
Lists the possible scale weight notification capabilities a service object can use for a Scale device. |
SystemStateChangeReason |
Lists the possible actions an application can allow for a PosPower device. |
TransactionControl |
Enumerates the transaction mode. |
TransactionLogType |
Enumerates the transaction log type. |
UpsChargeStates |
Lists the possible UPS charge states for a PosPower device. |
VideoAttributeCommand |
Lists the possible video region attibutes for a Remote Order Display device. |
VideoAttributes |
Lists the possible foreground and background colors, and blinking and intensity attributes of a video display on a Remote Order Display device. |
VideoCursorType |
Lists the possible video cursor types for a Remote Order Display device. |
WeightUnit |
Lists the valid weight units for a Scale device. |
WriteTagSections |
Enumerates the writable fields in the tag. |