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Microsoft.PointOfService Namespace



Class Description
Belt Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Belt Device.
BillAcceptor Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Bill Acceptor device.
BillDispenser Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Bill Dispenser device.
Biometrics Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Biometrics device.
BiometricsInformationRecord Represents the Biometrics data that is returned to the application from a Biometrics device.
BiometricsVerifyResult Defines the programmatic interface that is used for verifying biometrics data.
BumpBar Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Bump Bar device.
CashChanger Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Cash Changer device.
CashDrawer Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Cash Drawer device.
Cat Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS credit authorization terminal (CAT) device.
CheckScanner Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Check Scanner device.
CoinAcceptor Defines the programmatic interface of a UPOS Coin Acceptor device.
CoinDispenser Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Coin Dispenserdevice.
DataEventArgs Defines the programmatic interface for the transmission of Data Events.
Device Defines the programmatic interface for a Device.
DeviceChangedEventArgs Defines the programmatic interface for the transmission of Device Added Events and Device Removed Events.
DeviceCollection Defines an indexed array of DeviceInfo objects.
DeviceErrorEventArgs Defines the programmatic interface for the transmission of Device Error Events.
DeviceInfo Defines a programmatic interface for device information that is used to create a service object.
DevicePlugAndPlay Defines the programmatic interface for the DevicePlugAndPlay class.
DeviceStatusChangedEventArgs Defines the programmatic interface for the transmission of Device Status Changed Events.
DeviceType Defines 36 constants, each representing a POS device.
DirectIOEventArgs Defines the programmatic interface for the transmission of Direct IO Events.
DisplayScreenMode Defines a screen mode—that is, the number of rows and columns supported—for a line display device.
ElectronicJournal Defines the programmatic interface for an Electronic Journal device.
ElectronicValueRW Defines the programmatic interface for an Electronic Value Reader/Writer (R/W) device.
FiscalPrinter Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS fiscal printer device.
Gate Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Gate device.
HardTotals Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS hard totals device.
HardwareIdAttribute Defines a class containing a range of hardware Ids supported by a service object.
ImageScanner Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Image Scanner device.
ItemDispenser Defines the programmatic interface for an Item Dispenser device.
Keylock Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS keylock device.
Lights Defines the programmatic interface for a Light device.
LineDisplay Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Line Display device.
Logger Defines an event log file structure to which programs can write informational or programmatic warning or error events.
Micr Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) device.
MotionSensor Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Motion Sensor device.
Msr Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS magnetic stripe reader (MSR) device.
Msr.AamvaCardProperties Contains the different properties that can be accessed for AAMVA cards.
Msr.BankCardProperties Contains the properties that can be accessed from the bank card.
OutputCompleteEventArgs Defines the programmatic interface for the transmission of Output Complete Events.
PinPad Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS PIN pad device.
PointCardRW Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Point Card Reader/Writer device.
PosAssemblyAttribute Defines an assembly attribute that can be attached as metadata to a .dll, identifying that assembly as a POS for .NET service object.
PosCommon Defines the programmatic interface for constants, properties, methods, and events common to all UPOS devices.
PosControlException Defines the programmatic interface for exceptions thrown by service objects.
PosDevice Defines the programmatic interface that represents a generic POS device. The PosCommon class inherits from the PosDevice class.
PosEventArgs Defines the base class for POS for .NET classes containing event data.
PosException Defines the programmatic interface for a generic exception in the POS for .NET system. All other exception classes inherit from PosException.
PosExplorer Defines the programmatic interface for enumeration and initialization of POS installed devices.
PosKeyboard Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Keyboard device.
PosLibraryException Defines the programmatic interface used by PosExplorer class to throw exceptions.
PosManagementException Defines the programmatic interface used by POS for .NET management APIs to throw exceptions.
PosPower Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS power system device.
PosPrinter Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Printer device.
RangeOfCharacters Defines a helper class that can be used to create an array representing custom glyphs for a Line Display device.
RemoteOrderDisplay Defines the programmatic interface for a remote order display.
RFIDScanner Defines the programmatic interface for an RFID Scanner device.
Scale Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS scale device.
Scanner Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Scanner device.
ServiceObjectAttribute Defines a class-level attribute that can be used to identify the service object that implements the class.
SignatureCapture Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS signature capture device.
SmartCardRW Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS smart card reader/writer device.
Statistic Defines the programmatic interface used to create an array, or list, of device statistics.
StatusUpdateEventArgs Defines the programmatic interface for the transmission of Status Update Events.
ToneIndicator Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Tone Indicator device.


Interface Description
IDeviceEnumeration Defines the interface to enumerate devices.
IDeviceEnumerationPnp Defines the interface to enumerate Plug and Play devices.
ILegacyControlObject Defines the interface to access a legacy OPOS control object.


Structure Description
CashCount Represents an individual count of a particular type of currency for a Cash Changer or Bill Dispenser device.
CashCounts Defines a programmatic structure used to create an array representing the total cash in a Cash Changer device.
CashUnits Holds arrays of bill and coin types for use in POS devices such as Cash Changers and Bill Dispensers.
DirectIOData Defines the programmatic structure the service object uses to return data to an application.
EVRWResult Holds the structured return value for methods in the ElectronicValueRW class.
FiscalDataItem Defines the programmatic structure used by the service object to return a fiscal data item from a Fiscal Printer device.
PointCardReadWriteStates Defines a programmatic structure used by the service object to communicate write or read state information for a Point Card Reader Writer device during an error condition.
PointCardReceiveLengths Defines a programmatic structure used by the service object to communicate the length of track data for a Point Card Reader Writer device.
ServiceIndex Allows the extraction of information from Cash Changer subservices.
TotalsFileInfo Defines the programmatic structure used by the service object to identify the current totals file for the application.
VatInfo Defines the programmatic structure used to build a list of adjustments for value added tax (VAT) information.
VideoMode Defines the programmatic structure used by the service object to build an array of video modes supported by each online video unit.


Delegate Description
DataEventHandler Defines the method that handles the DataEventArgs event.
DeviceChangedEventHandler Defines the method that handles the DeviceChangedEventArgs event.
DeviceErrorEventHandler Defines the method that handles DeviceErrorEventArgs events.
DeviceStatusChangedEventHandler Defines the method that handles the DeviceStatusChangedEventHandler event.
DirectIOEventHandler Defines the method that handles a DirectIOEventArgs events.
OutputCompleteEventHandler Defines the method that will handle a OutputCompleteEventArgs events.
StatusUpdateEventHandler Defines the method that will handle a StatusUpdateEventArgs events.


Enumeration Description
BarCodeSymbology Enumerates the valid bar code symbol types.
BarCodeTextPosition Enumerates possible placements for the readable character string of a bar code.
BeginDetectionType Enumerates the card detection process.
BeltDirection Enumerates the belt direction.
BeltMotionStatus Enumerates possible values of the current motion state of the device.
BinaryConversion Enumerates the possible binary conversion methods for legacy controls.
BirDataTypes Enumerates the possible types of data that the BiometricsInformationRecord (BIR) class can hold.
BirPurpose Enumerates the possible purpose for gathering the biometrics information.
BorderType Enumerates the possible types of borders to display.
CapSensorColors Enumerates the possible image formats that the device supports.
CapSensorOrientations Enumerates the possible degrees of rotation of the sensor image prior to processing.
CapSensorTypes Enumerates the types of biometrics data that can be captured by the attached sensor.
CardDetectionControl Enumerates whether the application or the reader/writer can control the detection processing, ejection processing, or storing processing of the card.
CardDetectionTypes Enumerates the types of card detection.
CashChangerFullStatus Enumerates values that describe the full status of cash slots in a Cash Changer device.
CashChangerStatus Enumerates possible current status values for the CashChanger class.
CashCountType Enumerates the possible types of cash, bill or coin.
CashDepositAction Enumerates the possible ways to deal with deposited cash.
CashDepositPause Enumerates two possible values, Pause and Resume, for a cash acceptance operation.
CashDepositStatus Enumerates the possible current status values of the cash acceptance operation.
CatLogs Enumerates the available log functions for a credit authorization terminal (CAT) device.
CharacterSetCapability Enumerates the possible default character sets for a printer, line display, or point card reader/writer device.
CheckColors Enumerates the possible image format color ranges for a check scanner.
CheckCountryCode Enumerates the possible countries/regions in which the check originated.
CheckImageClear Enumerates the possible values for how an image file is to be located.
CheckImageFormats Enumerates the possible formats of a data image file.
CheckImageLocate Enumerates the possible values for how an image file is to be retrieved from memory.
CheckType Enumerates the valid check types for the most recently read Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) data.
ClockFunction Enumerates valid clock commands.
ClockMode Enumerates the valid display formats for the clock.
CoinDispenserStatus Enumerates the valid states of the coin dispenser device.
CompareFirmwareResult Enumerates the valid comparison results between firmware files.
ControlState Enumerates the valid states of a device.
CreditTransactionType Enumerates the valid transaction types for an authorization operation.
DealingLogStatus Enumerates the possible status conditions of the Dealing Log for a CAT device.
DepositStatus Enumerates possible deposit status values.
DetectionState Enumerates the state of card detection.
DeviceAuthenticationLevel Enumerates the level of device authentication supported by the service.
DeviceAuthenticationProtocol Enumerates the device authentication protocol supported by the device.
DeviceCompatibilities Enumerates the valid compatibility levels for a POS device.
DeviceUnits Enumerates the valid unit IDs of a single video unit for a Bump Bar or Remote Order Display device.
DisplayBlink Enumerates the valid line display blink capabilities for a Line Display device.
DisplayCursors Enumerates the possible supported cursor types.
DisplayMarqueeFormat Enumerates the possible marquee format values.
DisplayMarqueeType Enumerates the valid marquee type values.
DisplayReadBack Enumerates the possible read back capability values.
DisplayReverse Enumerates the possible reverse video capability values.
DisplayScrollText Enumerates the possible scrolling directions.
DisplaySetDescriptor Enumerates the possible display descriptor attributes.
DisplayTextMode Enumerates the possible text mode values.
EftTransactionCompletion Enumerates possible completion values for an EFT transaction.
EftTransactionType Enumerates the possible EFT transaction types.
ElectronicJournalStations Enumerates the station for subsequent data storing into the medium.
EncryptionAlgorithm Enumerates the encryption algorithms supported by the device.
EndDepositAction Enumerates a value that indicates that the cash acceptance operation has been completed.
ErrorCode Enumerates the valid types of errors for an error event.
ErrorLocus Enumerates possible times when an error occurred.
ErrorResponse Enumerates the valid responses an application can make to an error event.
FiscalAdjustment Enumerates the valid types of fiscal adjustments.
FiscalAdjustmentType Enumerates the valid types of package adjustments.
FiscalContractorId Enumerates the valid contractors to whom the receipt and/or some items of the receipt can be assigned.
FiscalCountryCodes Enumerates the valid countries/regions supported by the fiscal printer.
FiscalCurrency Enumerates the valid currencies for a fiscal printer.
FiscalData Enumerates the valid data items that can be retrieved from a Fiscal Printer.
FiscalDateType Enumerates the valid types of dates that can be supported by the fiscal printer.
FiscalErrorLevel Enumerates the valid severity levels for an error condition on a fiscal printer.
FiscalMessageType Enumerates all possible fiscal message types.
FiscalPrinterState Enumerates the possible printer operational states that can be reported for a fiscal printer.
FiscalPrinterStations Enumerates the possible fiscal printer stations that can be set to print or reported as printing during the occurrence of an error.
FiscalReceiptStation Enumerates the valid fiscal printer stations that can be used to start non-fiscal fixed text printing.
FiscalReceiptType Enumerates the valid types of receipts for a fiscal printer.
FiscalSlipSelection Enumerates two document types—full-length and validation—to be printed.
FiscalTotalizer Enumerates the possible types of totalizers for a fiscal printer.
FiscalTotalizerType Enumerates the possible types of totalizers.
FrameType Enumerates the possible types of information contained within the Image Scanner's FrameData property.
GateStatus Enumerates the status of the Gate.
HealthCheckLevel Enumerates the possible types of health checks to be performed on a device.
ImageMemoryStatus Enumerates the availability status values for image memory.
ImageMode Enumerates the possible modes of operation that an Image Scanner device can use.
ImageQuality Enumerates the level of image quality supported by the Image Scanner device.
ItemDispenserStatus Enumerates the status of the ItemDispenser.
KeyboardEventType Enumerates the possible type of keyboard events that the application will receive.
KeyEvent Enumerates the possible types for the most recent key event.
KeylockType Lists the possible keylock device types.
LightAlarms Enumerates the different alarms supported by the Light device.
LightColors Enumerates the supported colors for the Light device.
LogState Enumerates the state of the transaction log.
MapMode Lists the valid units of measure for Printer, Check Scanner, and Point Card Reader Writer devices.
MarkerType Lists the possible marker types.
MsrErrorReporting Lists the error reporting types for an MSR device.
MsrTracks Lists the possible combinations of track data to be read.
PageModeDescriptors Lists the valid page mode functions of the printer for the selected PageModeStation.
PageModePrintControl Lists the valid Page Mode controls for a print station.
PageModePrintDirection Lists the possible print directions that can be set for a print station.
PaymentCondition Lists the valid payment conditions for an authorization operation.
PaymentMedia Lists the valid payment media types for an approval method.
PinEntryStatus Lists the possible PIN entry status values.
PinPadDisplay Lists the possible ways in which an application can use the PIN pad’s display.
PinPadLanguage Lists language characteristics for predefined prompt messages of the PIN pad device.
PinPadMessage Lists the possible prompt messages for the PIN pad device.
PinPadSystem Enumerates the possible PIN pad management systems to use.
PointCardAreas Lists the valid parts of the point card that can be cleared.
PointCardReadWriteState Lists valid track states for a Point Card Reader Writer.
PointCardRWTracks Enumerates the possible tracks to read from or write to.
PointCardState Enumerates the possible card states the point card device can be in.
PowerNotification Enumerates the possible states of power notification for the current device.
PowerReporting Enumerates the possible power reporting capabilities of a device.
PowerSource Enumerates possible current power sources for a device.
PowerState Enumerates the possible current power state values for a device.
PrinterCartridgeNotify Enumerates the possible cartridge-state notification capabilities for a printer.
PrinterCartridgeSensors Enumerates the possible printer-cartridge-monitoring sensors.
PrinterCartridgeStates Enumerates the possible printer cartridge states.
PrinterColors Enumerates the possible printer color cartridges.
PrinterErrorLevel Enumerates the possible severity levels for the most recent error condition.
PrinterLogoLocation Enumerates the possible locations for setting a logo.
PrinterMarkFeeds Enumerates the possible kinds of mark-sensed paper handling.
PrinterSide Enumerates possible sides of the print station document on which printing can occur.
PrinterStation Enumerates the possible printer station modes.
PrinterTransactionControl Enumerates the possible transaction modes for a printer station.
PrintRotation Enumerates the possible rotation settings for a printer device.
RemoteOrderDisplayEventTypes Lists the possible event types for touch video input on a Remote Order Display device.
RemoteOrderDisplayTransaction Lists the possible transaction control functions for a Remote Order Display device.
ReportType Lists all report types used in POS for .NET.
RFIDProtocols Enumerates the available predefined RFID tag protocols the device supports.
RFIDReadOptions Enumerates the tags within range that meet a parameterized criteria.
Rotation Lists the possible bitmap and bar code rotations for printing.
SensorColor Lists the image capture modes for available biometric capture operations.
SensorOrientation Indicates the requested orientation adjustment to the received sensor data prior to BiometricsInformationRecord creation.
SensorType Lists the possible types of data that the Biometrics Scanner may be designed to capture.
SmartCardInterfaceModes Lists the possible communication modes for Smart Card devices.
SmartCardIsoEmvModes Lists the valid message standards for a Smart Card device.
SmartCardReadAction Lists the possible types of processing of the data that is to be done by the smart card.
SmartCardTransmissionProtocols Lists the possible types of transmission protocols for a Smart Card device.
SmartCardWriteAction Lists the possible types of processing of the data that is to be done by the smart card.
StatisticCategories Lists the possible categories of device statistics that can be retrieved, reset, or updated.
StatusNotify Lists the possible scale weight notification capabilities a service object can use for a Scale device.
SystemStateChangeReason Lists the possible actions an application can allow for a PosPower device.
TransactionControl Enumerates the transaction mode.
TransactionLogType Enumerates the transaction log type.
UpsChargeStates Lists the possible UPS charge states for a PosPower device.
VideoAttributeCommand Lists the possible video region attibutes for a Remote Order Display device.
VideoAttributes Lists the possible foreground and background colors, and blinking and intensity attributes of a video display on a Remote Order Display device.
VideoCursorType Lists the possible video cursor types for a Remote Order Display device.
WeightUnit Lists the valid weight units for a Scale device.
WriteTagSections Enumerates the writable fields in the tag.