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PrintResults.ErrorString Property (POS for .NET v1.12 SDK Documentation)


Contains a vendor-supplied description of the error that has occurred.

Namespace: Microsoft.PointOfService.BaseServiceObjects
Assembly: Microsoft.PointOfService.ControlBase (in microsoft.pointofservice.controlbase.dll)


Public Property ErrorString As String
public string ErrorString { get; set; }
property String^ ErrorString {
    String^ get ();
    void set (String^ value);
/** @property */
public String get_ErrorString ()

/** @property */
public void set_ErrorString (String value)
public function get ErrorString () : String

public function set ErrorString (value : String)


Contains a vendor-supplied description of the error that has occurred.

ErrorString is initialized to blank by the PrintResults class.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread-safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

See Also


PrintResults Class
PrintResults Members
Microsoft.PointOfService.BaseServiceObjects Namespace
PosPrinter.ErrorString Property
PrintResults.ErrorCode Property
PrintResults.ErrorCodeExtended Property