Adding a New Secondary Navigation Item
You can add a new item to the secondary navigation bar - and the page which it invokes - of your server appliance by using the following process.
To add a new secondary navigation item
- In the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, add the Software\Microsoft\ServerAppliance\ElementManager\WebElementDefinition\<Container Name><Unique Element ID> registry key.
- In this new key, enter the values as shown in the following table.
Value Type Description Example Element ID Key Unique name for this element. Must start <container name>. TabsChimeSettingsProp BigGraphic String Path to the large graphic item to display if the page referenced by the URL is a navigation page. <blank> CaptionRID String Resource identifier for the text to display on the secondary navigation bar. This is also displayed as the link on the primary navigation page that contains this item. 4C000011 Container String Container name is the ElementID of the primary navigation page for which this is a secondary navigation item. TabsChime DescriptionRID String Resource identifier for the hover text to display on the secondary navigation bar. It is also displayed as the description of the link on the associated primary navigation page. 4C000014 ElementGraphic String Resource icon. Required, but can be blank. Displayed on the primary navigation page that contains this item. Chime/images/chimeX32.gif IsEmbedded DWORD Instruction to process element as an embedded page. Always 0x0 0x0 LongDescriptionRID String Resource identifier for the hover text to display on the navigation page which contains this item. <empty> Merit DWORD Integer indicating display order in container. 0=no sorting. Items are sorted in ascending order according to this value. 0x1 PageType String Specifies the required page type. FRAMESET for property, multitabbed property, and wizard pages.
NORMAL for navigation, area, and Object/Task Selector (OTS) pages.
FRAMESET Source String Name of the resource DLL. sampleresource.dll URL String Path to the ASP page file that will display the desired page. Chime/prop_chime_config.asp - Create the ASP page file to which the URL item points.
The Merit value controls the sorting for Web elements. Set the Merit value to the desired position of the new item. For example, a value of 0x1 will make this Web element the first, or furthest to the left, item on the primary navigation bar.
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